
If you could choose your relatives would you? ( read on in details)?

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Keep the ones you have, not have any, selectively remove some, have someone else's? please say why and which ones, mother in law stories totally acceptable and believed.




  1. I would keep my parents.

    There is still hope that one day we will be close. I Love them BOTH but can't respect them at this time.

    My Daughter I would NEVER give up. she is my whole life. the reason I am still here.

    So I would keep all my family. God Bless

  2. I would like to have one more wife, her clone will do, but I like variety.

  3. YES! My family is unbearable most of the time. In fact, I can't think of any that I'd actually want to keep.

  4. I chose my husband. He is wonderful and right now all I need in my life. Our daughter chose us, but we like her funny little personality, so I think we will keep her.

    As for the rest, since I have so many brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins, I have the rare opportunity to pick and choose who to be friends with and who I can keep at a distance. So, really, I already do choose my relatives.

  5. I would keep all of them, including my in-laws. I love my family. We are a close-knit bunch. Yes, even my MIL. She has been nothing but loving towards me. If we need help, she's right there doing whatever needs to be done. She even came for a visit last week and stayed to do my mountain of dishes. No, I am one blessed woman when it comes to family. There's not one of them I'd get rid of. I just hope they could all say the same thing about me!

  6. I only need my parents and my women. The relatives I can live without.

  7. I would keep everyone but my Mother-in-Law, I could write a book on how she's treated me, and it would be viewed as one would believe it.

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