
If you could come up with your own "gadget".....?

by  |  earlier

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.....what would it be, and what would it do???




  1. A book bath holder, with an automatic page turner.

  2. Something that lets me read people's minds.

  3. A transporter... then I would tell OPEC where they can shove their oil!

    I'm not opinionated, I'm just ALWAYS RIGHT!

  4. Hmmm...the porch swing seems to be the finest invetion of all time to me and know who

    So, maybe add a 'vibrating action' to it?

  5. it would be a clone of me that would go to school for me and do my homework for me and then hook me up to a machine and wire the information that it learned today into me so i would still be smart.

  6. It would get me next week's winning Lottery Numbers...

  7. this kitchen appliance where you mash a button and all these restraunts pop up and you pick a restraunt and the menu pops up and you order what you want and open the door and dinners served

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