
If you could compromise with the other side on politics, how would you do it?

by Guest33905  |  earlier

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The partisanship in America has got to stop and we need to find some common ground. We all have our idea of which candidate has the ability to do this, but the other side doesn't agree.

I am looking into becoming a politician within my local community and I want to represent all people; however, this seems virtually impossible. What should I stand for without being too partisan?




  1. A common goal and purpose, detailed diagram of what you seek to create for your country and why. Awareness of the impediment and obstructs and reasoning of cause as to why lobby’s are formed and active, motivating factors, and divisive forces at play.

    And understanding of human behavioural motivators and patterns, why agenda are at variance, what causes deviance and the appropriate cure and remedy. An outline the triggering power behind such deviant group and the driving force encouraging their anarchy and dissention.

    An understanding of human nature at different stages of evolvement, some barely able to master their own shortcomings and psychological cures required to bring unity of mind and heart to the diverse American population. Inclusion of God without complete understanding of given wisdom can backfire. Apply a One God One Religion to your manifesto, with strict adherence, remembering love and patriotism brings people of all classes and background together.

    One is required to have substance and character, be a high performance accomplisher, and possess formidable interpersonal skills with persons at all strata of society.

    Good Luck

  2. My friend, guess you've heard this story: One day, God created man, and the woman, afterwards, of course. The devil was so green with envy. He said, " I can do that , too, and even better!" You know what came out? Politicians. And they have perfected the art of lying, obfuscation, and all kinds/ways/means to mislead  people to promote their own selfish interests. Now, even the matter of compromise does not belong to God, because He will not allow it. Anything below His standard is a compromise. Even the devil does not want to compromise. He wants all. But the Lord teaches us to give all we can give, so in the process you win your enemy to your side. As a politician, it is a given that you will, and must be,  a partisan. Now. do you still want to run?

  3. First of all, nothing you can do will bring about compromise.  It's a sad fact that there are differences, opinions, and philosophies that are so far apart that it isn't possible for everyone to ever get along.  The only thing you can do is either be deceptive to get elected, or be honest and hope you can get enough support.  Whatever you're political stance is, stay consistent.  Understand what makes the people so different and try to appease the majority, if that coincides with what you believe.  Good luck!

  4. Okie.  I would try to work with the other side by approaching them first.  Then, I would see what bills they are interested in co-sponsoring.  In addition, I would talk with them and see where they stand.  When them and I find common areas we agree on, we can work from there.  We can try to compromise and work together.

    Without being too partisan you can look at all the issues that matter a lot to you.  You can also read about them and look at each side.  Then make a decision after reading all important arguments. I hope this helps :).

  5. Decode this lyrics " Knowing me knowing you"

    Luke 21.30-33

    Try and answer it first.

    Then will know what is politics is all about?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. Local politicians are the BEST, because they often go into it for the right reasons.  Local politicians should first examine the position/role they wish to fulfill, specifically the duties and responsibilities, as well as what the role/position can NOT do.  There is nothing worse than a mayor who claims his 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice' position, because the mayor cannot enact any legislation one way or another.  

    Once you examine your position and role, you can begin to create your vision for your locality, and hopefully develop solid plan.  Next, you simply share your vision with your citizens.

    Regardless what 'side' you are on, expect some goofball with "thought myopia" to demand to know your thoughts and position on partisan issues that are inflammitory and divisive.  You can elegantly not answer by repeating your plans for the locality you wish to serve, and steer that person to think in terms of your position and its capacity.  You can use it as an example of how to be non-partisan, too.  (If you were daring, you could even say something like, "as a city council member, my personal opinion on abortion won't influence my decision on who gets the garbage contract".)

    The best thing to do is talk to neighborhood associations and ask them what issues are important to them.  Chances are partisan issues will NOT come up.  They want to know about their local issues, which we all have in common.  By focusing on the common needs and wishes, you avoid partisan discussions and can work together to meet the needs of the community.

  7. Corporate Currency and Corporate types like CEO-S hold power instead through elections nationwide or state wide.

    Abolish such title as CEO and replace it with civilian terminology. Simililar for trades people exept in reference to having them have their own personal currency to exchange with corporate currency if the wish. Union Currency. Unions already have elections so already somewhat democratic.

  8. 1) Learn the local issues and decide where you stand.

    2) Take that position.

    3) Listen to the opinions of those who hold opposite views.

    4) Your opinions will never represent all the people because there are interest groups-those who want an airport- and there are interest groups- those opposed to the airport.  And some will want the airport until they find out that airplanes fly into and out of airports and that they (airplanes) make horrendous noises when they fly very low over peoples' houses.  And the airport enthusiasts always seem to live in the part of town farthest away from the noise.

    5) So as my future city councilman, are you for the airport or against it?

  9. Compromise and cooperation still exists, even in Washington.

    Unfortunately we live in the land of the sound bite, television and blog talking heads, and other mouth pieces who like to make things worse than they are.

    There are lots of examples in the states of politicians who are very successful at this.

    Primarily it begins with one word Respect!

    If you are a politician who is respectful of your opponents then you can be ideologically different but still manage to work with them on things where you can find common ground.

    Respect means not launching personal character attacks, acknowledging the good things your opponents have done, and being smart when arguing with them. Smart not Nasty!

    The reason many in congress cannot work together is they have turned into children and forgotten their manners. We are all different, have different opinions, but when we respect each other and each others contributions and each others right to an opinion then we can move forward for common good.

    Many in the Senate still do this.

  10. -What should I stand for without being too partisan?

    Stand for your country, humanity and the people. When politics is divided into different parties, and the three things I named are forgotten, politics becomes dirty.

    I liked Fortunata's Wisdom™'s answer.

  11. Get the International Court to prosecute for crimes against humanity.  Then prison.

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