
If you could create and head a new federal department of government, what would it be and what would it do?

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If you could create and head a new federal department of government, what would it be and what would it do?




  1. It would be the Department of Liquidation. Its job would be to dismantle all the federal departments not needed and sell off everything of value. The treasury would make billions.

  2. The department of oversight and accountability.  The federal government lacks both.  I would hold the federal government up to the same level that I would hold the states.  The states are accountable to the citizens and they need to have a balanced budget every fiscal year.  The feds can do whatever they want.  It needs to stop!

  3. it would be the TAXPAYER department and it would be the voice of america's TAXPAYERS. It would make sure that we know where our taxes go DIRECTLY and if we dont drive a car then we won't pay taxes for the roads. and if we haven't used social security, then we don't need to pay for it. if we didnt use medicaid we wouldn't need to pay for it. that way our taxes will be low

  4. I'm Mexican, so in this case I'll create a new Secretaría (Ministry), the Secretaría contra el Narcotráfico (Ministry against Narcotraffic). Narco's power is just bigger and bigger each day, I hate how those b******s have entered even to the government and they are kind of "untouchable", hate how they ruin my country's people's life. I hate my city, sate being full of those *****ing morons...sorry...I over-expressed myself =)

  5. Why would you want more bureaucracy than we already have?  I say less is more!

  6. It would be the office of govt busting.  I would end other govt branches which are useless and wasteful.

  7. it would be department of maryjuana, to help people with their problems of almost any type. it would b sick

  8. I wouldn't. There are already too many departments, agencies, committees, that none can be operated efficiently.

  9. Alternative Fuel Commission.  It would have an absolute requirement within three years to have renewable fuel vehicles rolling off the line to US consumers.

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