
If you could detach your head from your body and replace it for another one just temporarily ?

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Which person's head would you choose to replace it with and why ?

I would like to replace mine by the head of the Dalai Lama and try to understand what motivates him to be such a magnificent human being, always so humble and wise and ready to compromise, even when there is no reason for compromise, example being the freedom of his people from foreign oppression .




  1. Sat here and tried to narrow it down and this is a difficult one for me to narrow down, so I am going to give a short list (which still took effort to make it this short, haha).

    1. My husband. I would like to see the world through his perspective and his deep motivations in actions and thoughts. I would want him to step inside my body for a day so we could see the world through each other's eyes. Might create a deeper understanding. Plus, errmmm, well... I would want to do some "extracurricular activities" and experience the other side of the equation, so to speak, haha.

    2. Abraham Maslow. I think he was a wonderful psychologist and loved reading his interpretation of self-actualization. It would be amazing. (Though I will admit my head with his body might look a little peculiar, hehe.)

    3. Both of my children. I would want to see the world from their perspective and live temporarily in their life. This would help me to understand what each goes through, such as my son through his school days. I would gain knowledge that would help me to be the best mother I can be for both of my children. Then that means they would also have to see what I go through as a parent and that might also help them to understand patience more.

  2. a fire breathing dragon. I have a few people I would like to talk to with my dragon breath

  3. Yes I agree either him or Jesus Christ.  Not for the personage but I think somewhere in this world there has to be the perfect man.  One who can do no wrong and make no mistakes.   I'm been down this road so many times it gets wearisome.  Just for a few minutes I'd like to know what it is like to be perfect.

  4. He/she/you would hot like to change my head with anybody.

  5. I love myself and so my head is priceless.

  6. It would be Bill Gates & I would want to know him & his way of thinking.

  7. I don't think you asked the question correctly. I wouldn't want to look down and see a foreign body... would if they had some kinna disease, like syphilis or the clap, then you'd be SOL, while the transfer's in a state of peaceful, non-itchy relief.  

  8. uuuuuummmmm.......

    i probably wouldnt want to,then i would wonder how I would be in my other body.=)

  9. There's this site where you can switch your head with any body you'd like.  

  10. Chuck Norris.  My reason: Durr, its Chuck Freaken Norris.

  11. I would like to take my dolls head off, and put it on mine.  I called her Jill when I was young, she is just gorgeous, has a nice strawberry blond hair and never gets a line in her face, her blue eyes are always shining and she has a smile on her face all the time.  

    No one knows what she is thinking and no one knows how old she is, no one knows how smart, and charming she is, because, she wants it that way.  She understands all that there is to understand, and she fear no one nor anything, for she knows what will come will come and she will be able to handle it, go through it and master it.

    Yes, my dolly's head would be great.

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