
If you could do any thing in the world what would you do, and why?

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If you could do any thing in the world what would you do, and why?




  1. Spend another few dozen years living in foreign countries.  If I live to be 100, there's time to spend a year in each of 29!  I would do this because exposure to other cultures opens the mind and what better way to learn about people and their traditions than in their homeland?  

    I have little knowledge of Spanish, or Portuguese, cooking and, as a chef, would wish to spend some of my time learning (during my two years in the area).   Hmmm - am not sure 29 years are adequate.

  2. move my family to the country

    because the neighborhood here is rich and spoiled

    and i would have to have water nearby

    allbeit  river lake or ocean

  3. pay off my parents mortgage!

  4. I am, in fact, doing it.

    As a user and and facilitator of music and photography in mental bleated on for a number of years about the therapeutic value of the creative arts in mental health, based on the premise that they are the basis of all education and embody the very essence of the human condition. With the exception of the written or spoken word, the arts transcend language. especially relevant , as i live in Hounslow, West London where, apparently there is about 150 different languages spoken.

    This was recieved almost toally without even curiosity. i have just finished phase one (it is  operational) of a mental health/community facility providing music/recording, photography, art gallery, wood/metal workshop and a general design consultancy, financing it from my meagre savings and disability living allowance (i have neurological problems).  Even if there is no interest (of course, they will all be lining up to take credit once the work is finished) i can, hopefully, spend the rest of my life making lots of noise, and indulging my every whim as and when.

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