
If you could do one thing (only one) and it was guaranteed that you would not get caught, what would it be?

by Guest21219  |  earlier

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here is the scenario. you will not be punished for what you did if it was illegal and you will not receive credit if it was something good. no matter, good or bad, nobody will know it was you that did it. i want everyone to respect all answers. i understand that some answers will be very sensitive. do not judge those who answer here. besides, i have confidence that everyone here knows the difference between right and wrong and would avoid doing the wrong thing in a real life situation. so please, don't be offended at these answers if they do cross the line

to start things off i'll give mine. i would assassinate an evil dictator




  1. rob  a bank.... i need money im a poor college student haha...

  2. smoke pot all day

  3. I want to be the king.

  4. I would find a pretty boy, and I would kill him. Then I would sodomise his body. After that, I'd play around with the remains, a slice and a taste here or there, perhaps severing what I consider unnecessary. I would do many things.

    Of course, this is not possible, and I do not believe in murder...

  5. i would use mental telepathy to induce

    love peace and compassion within the heart

    of every world banker, fascist ruler, dictator, billionaire,

    bilderberger, despot, and player hater~ instantaneously.

    the next moment, thousands of old men would be running

    out of their mansions joyously exhorting to the world

    like ebenezer in a christmas carol.  

  6. Never pay taxes again.

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