
If you could do one thing to cut down on crime what would you do and why do you believe it would work??

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If you could do one thing to cut down on crime what would you do and why do you believe it would work??




  1. Get rid of the war on drugs. It has not worked at all. h**l if heroin or cocaine were legal tomorrow I still wouldn't touch them. You think we would have learned from prohibition that banning something that people want will only force them to other channels to get what they want. In turn, it allows some unsavory types to thrive (see the rise of organized crime and gansterism in the 20s).  As an added bonus decriminalizing narcotics would free up jail space for real criminals while saving the money that is pointlessly dumped into fighting said "war on drugs". As long as someone's usage doesn't infringe upon the rights of others to life and liberty then there is really no crime there, just bad life choices.

  2. Definitely go back to the death penalty. People aren't going to stop committing crimes when they know all they're going to get is a slap on the wrist. We need to get tougher.

  3. Make it mandatory that everyone own a gun. Only people that will not be required are those too poor, those who legally can not own one (age, felons, etc), and those that object to the use of a gun.

    If you believe this won't work try checking the crime rates of

    Washington D.C.

    San Francisco

    and Harbor Grove, Ill.


    Kennesaw, Ga.

    Kennesaw has low crime rates and the other three have extremely high crime rates. Of course the first three have banned guns and Kennesaw has the law I just outlined. Murder, home invasions, and robberies are almost unheard of for the last 25 years (even with a major university just outside the city limits).

    EDIT: SC Bearcat. Learn a little on topic before you go talking about the effectiveness of the war on drugs and prohibition. The war on drugs have done everything intended. Unfortunately we dont have truth in sentencing guidlines being met; therefore inmates are getting out before they are rehabilitated and we are not receiving money from the federal govt. to build more prisons.

    As for prohibition it did every single this it was meant to do. Unfortunately, new crime did come into place with black market liquor. That tarnishes prohibition but does not make it a failure, as it did drastically reduce every crime it targeted.

  4. I am in agreement with "thunder", however I say "public hanging"

  5. Make all transportation including automobiles public transport.Would prevent car theft as all owned by public.  Legalise Marijuana for medical use if not done already, Legalise illegal drugs. Have Human Supremacist Attitudes People Planet for Wealth listed as racist towards all life have made illegal. Next have all Dvd's placed in rental places or libraries , no personally owned televisions.  Place monitoring devices in in each to prevent theft. Twenty Dollar fines for not returning DVD recorders. Also think if  money spent on entertainment spent on U.N. instead nothing to steal. Next create jobs through making solar power arrays,solar powered cars if not already done.

  6. each time they caught cut a finger off that would teah them

  7. If our analysis thus far has been correct, there are four main things we must do if we want to prevent a crime wave

        1. Maintain reasonably full employment and help those who will have to move to new communities to get jobs.

        2. Send young workers who are still of school age back for further education.

        3. Absorb the demobilized servicemen and women into peace-time occupations without delay.

        4. Provide adequate care and supervision for veterans suffering from battle fatigue until they can return to work. Does this seem like an adequate program to you? Can you suggest ways of improving it?



  8. Simple... Implement "An Eye for an Eye". If a criminal gets punished with a taste of their own medicine, that would eliminate a lot of crime period!

  9. legalize marijuana :]]

    everyone would be chilllll

  10. donate money to the state police. more cops = less crime

  11. When I was young and committing unnecessary acts the only thing that deterred me was the "ACTUAL SIGHT" of a police car..When we would spot a law dog we would leave or revert to other tactics...My opinion...we need more police on the streets patrolling, NOT in the office doing useless repetitive paperwork..I do not fear the law when I can not see it and I think criminals will agree!!

  12. Harsher punishments for the crimes...As time goes on crime seems to be getting worse and worse. Look back in the day of torture...there really wasn't much crime back than because of the punishment...I know I wouldn't want to steal in fear of getting my hand chopped

  13. Not sure what the exact mechanism of change would be, but I know that sureness and swiftness of punishment, not harshness of punishment, is what deters crime. If you are speaking of violent personal crime, then Operation Head Start is the most cost effective crime prevention program ever.

    I agree totally with the poster who suggests major changes to our drug policy. I used to sincerely believe that The Police Officer Is Your Friend until this crazy "war" on drugs put officers into the despicable role of gaining people's trust under false pretences only to betray them. How else could you possibly "bust" people for using drugs? If Hank buys some dope from Harvey, you think either is likely to turn the other in? Not unless 1) one of them is a cop or 2) one of them has something to gain from ratting out his fellow druggie. This has created a whole class of "police sanctioned" drug abusers who buy and sell with immunity provided they "narc on" their associates. That isn't law enforcement, it's systemic corruption.

  14. people has tried everything to stop crime in Richmond CA they state is building a senior citizin home in the middle if a war zove people get killed in Richmond everyday the the street they are buildin it on is the main street now they no they shouldn't be tryin to give the old people a heart attack but i guess they think it will lower the crime rate by now people should know these people out in the street dont care some do it for suvival some do it for nothin but it happenes everywhere what i would do is try my best to put God in there life thats all thay will help them God is the only one who can stop all this crime\


    Crime Stoppers in your Community

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    we have to get to the young people because if not it will go down from generation to generation and we cant have that if the police actually put thought into stoping these crimes they would be stoped these young people will feel sorry espicially if they get cought or if they mother finds out they just need engouragement, someone to talk to, unless you from the hood you wouldn't know but i know where i live you might as well call it iraq

  15. Turn all life sentence into death sentences, use bullets instead of lethal injection, and televise the executions!!!

  16. Look at Saudi Arabia.  Public executions where you get your head chopped off.  I think that would make someone think twice about crime.  Chop Chop Square...

  17. Death penalty is a deterrence for the commission of crimes.

  18. Execute criminals. Anybody that's bad enough to deserve more than 6 months in jail will never be rehabilitated. Why waste time and money - off with their heads.

  19. Put all males over 16 who've commited any violent crime on meds to reduce their testosterone levels.

    They show up every day at health clinics & get their meds.  


    This includes the monsters in prison working out 24/7 so they can rape other guys in jail . . . then  be ready to create massive pain for the innocent when they're released.

    It's the addiction to power & violence that leads to  most crimes.

    Also, more jail time for all drunk drivers: no excuses, no second chances.

    De-criminalize small amounts of marijuana for personal use: Drunks do more harm in one year than anyone who smokes a little recreationally does in a lifetime.

    End the absurd pretense of a "war on drugs" against poor countries where people who have no other means of feeding their families but thru the cultivaton of Poppy fields.

    Elect a president and an administration smarter than a Texas cow patty.


  20. I would make the  adults of troubled teens take classes in being a parent. I would have the adults be in charge of the child and do the punishment with the child .  

    You cannot stop a crime by teen or younger if the parent is not involved. It has been shown  to work but the state aid is not in the place to keep a program going

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