
If you could do something and were guaranteed not to fail, what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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Think big now..




  1. Become the All-Being, Master of Time, Space and Dimension.  EIther that or pick my nose.

    What's the fun of anything if it's guaranteed?

  2. Not let other peoples opinions bother me.

  3. work on a project to make my future things not fail!

  4. ammm kill all da stupid idiot terarists and make this world beautiful as heven

  5. Conquer the world.  

  6. World Peace

  7. build a space ship that can travel to any part of the Universe and visit other planets  

  8. be perfect

  9. if you mean with the current knowledge and experiences we have right now then i would definitely get rid of my family and loved ones debts so they can start fresh.

  10. Do a large portrait in watercolors of all my grandchildren.  Grams

  11. Take over the world.

  12. I would get all the best answers on Yahoo Answers :D

  13. run as president of earth

  14. Go back to college and get a degree in psychology.  

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