
If you could donate some of your items to charity what things would you give them and why?

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If you could donate some of your items to charity what things would you give them and why?




  1. I just went through my closet last night and I'm donating all my cloths that I don't wear to goodwill today at lunch.  So I guess that's what it would be LOL.  Maybe the 2 cans of pea soup that have been in my cuboard since I moved in b/c I hate pea soup and maybe someone else will want it.   Thats all I got I'm broke!

  2. i would either ask them what them want or give them money so they could get what they want.

    instead of buying something they dont need, i think tis more practical to give them something they need. :)

  3. Clothes because I don't use half of my wardrobe. Also my dresser & nightstand (don't use my room haha).

  4. Clothes & Blankets for warmth.

    Books for education [plus some I don't read].

    Old toys for little kids. &+ colored pencils/crayons?

  5. Well, basically I buy everything new, and then send them. Like starting in January, I buy 3 toys a week and save them in my toy closet for a year. Then in December I have over 200 toys to donate to Toys For Tots. One year I went out and bought 200.00 worth of baby clothes, and sent them to a children's hospice in England. I also buy the children Party Supplies so they can have a party all their own. Teddy Bears have always been another big purchase, I love sending them to TeddyCare, where they are donated to all kinds of children who have been abused, or neglected, or who's parents are in the military. I also love the Pencil Project. I love buying Pencils and school supplies and sending them a box a month. If I were to donate anything of my own it would be Money, or Clothes to the goodwill.

  6. Clothes, I have way too many.  

  7. food and house hold items. those are the things that are needed.

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