
If you could eat anything...?

by  |  earlier

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what would it be?




  1. I would like to eat Masal dosa, where we can get it from indian hotel.

  2. im a meatarian meat all day!! cow!! chickens!! yeah!!

  3. Indian food is the best

  4. vegan flan

  5. I would love to have some Lumpia like I had in the Philippines . Made using dog meat.

  6. big ciinamon bun with alot of icing

  7. Grilled peanut butter and banana with honey sandwich

  8. right this minute i could go for pizza.  or pasta in a vodka sauce with tomatos... mmmmm.

  9. A cheese bun, hot and fresh from the oven, like my old boss who owned the bakery used to make.  Too bad that bakery is in another country about 3000 miles away right now.  :(

  10. A triple scoop caramel cashew sundae with tons of cherries.

  11. I'm vegetarian. Have been for 8/9 years - I'm 13.

    I wish I could eat one more 'turkey twizzler'

    Or start eating fish.

    But I can't...  >.<

    Oh well


  12. Greasy Garlic French Fries

    It's almost lunchtime here...

  13. A big juicy HAMBURGER with BACON BITS and CHICKEN LEGS. =D

  14. I would eat Pizza because it is so warm and cheesy. I love how the it taste and feel in your tummy!

  15. A veg@n pizza topped with soy cheese and veggies!

  16. peanut butter and honey

  17. first off may i ask why this is in vegetarian/vegan? and i am a vegetarian...if i could eat anything i would start off with a large meaty pig head along with its brains and liver. then i would go for a cow heart and then some liverwurst. =p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  18. Right now I could go for some curry.

  19. the Garden Ciabatta sandwich at Jason's Deli. it's to die for. i made my own version at home that turned out pretty good. for the recipe, see my blog here:

  20. -- pasta with alfrado or cheese

    -- cheese or Canadian bacon & pineapple pizza

    -- Phad Thai

    -- Curry

    -- Sweet & sour chicken

    These are some I would eat.  

  21. fries!

    i'm starving.  

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