
If you could eliminate one Federal agency or program, which one would you eliminate? Why? What is/would be t

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If you could eliminate one Federal agency or program, which one would you eliminate? Why? What is/would be t




  1. The FBI, so i don't need to be in hiding anymore.

  2. BATFE!  They were created to collect taxes on Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and were part of Treasury.  They have been moved to the Department of Homeland Security and given the Explosive investigations job that the FBI may or may not do any way.  Add for some reason the are also heading up arson cases that may or may not be so called "hate" crime.

    Face it investigation on the Federal level should be handled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  

  3. I have to agree with the IRS.  But it is not unconstitutional as one person suggested.  There is a Constitutional amendment (#16:  The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.") that gives the Federal Government the power to collect taxes.

    I would like to see a more efficient form of taxes (preferably lower, too).

  4. The problem is, every time we eliminate an agency, two more pop up in its place.

    Anyway, my vote goes to the IRS - it's unonstitutional!

  5. WELFARE...To many Dead beats...

  6. The IRS. It is the most inefficient and over-complicated agency this nation has ever had. Put in a flat tax that everyone pays with no deductions or anything, just flat tax across the board on all wages. If you speak with an IRS agent even they will tell you that they do not fully understand all the laws and exceptions. If your own people can't even understand it what does that say about your agency?

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