
If you could erase just one thing you did from your past?

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What would you choose?




  1. I wouldn't make fun of Dragon Com geeks by answering that the best way to get to Dragon Com 2009 is to "Check the Geek Manual and make sure your mom is available to drive."

  2. I'd go back and be less of a ***** to my ex boyfriend, so the relationship wouldn't have ended on such bad terms.

  3. getting married to a cheater

  4. My DUI.

  5. Honestly, it's the one or two little thing that I didn't get to do that bother me.

  6. I would have stopped drinking the tequila when I went to Tijuana.  i still feel bad for that mule.

  7. Wow, good question! There are lots of mistakes I have made in general in life, but one thing I would like to change is in the middle of my freshman and sophomore years in high school, I wish I could have chosen a different high school to go to because I didn't like the stereotypes my high school gave especially if you were Indian, which I am. They assumed that you were really smart and you made all A's. I hated that! Also, I wish I could have transferred to a technical college sooner from the hard 4 year or more college that I went to sooner so I would have finished school quicker than I did. Also, I wish there were some classes I hadn't taken at the university I originally went to. That screwed my GPA up. I wish I could definitely change those things.  

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