
If you could find a safe and cheap way to go green, would you?

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With everyone talking about going to "environmentally friendly products" I've found that many of them are more expensive than the toted toxic brands. What if there was a cheaper way to clean your house that was way safer for you, your house and our planet. Would you do it?




  1. of course I would and i advise all to follow suite. if everyone cared the world would be greener and a brighter place. i think majority of the green products are money saving in the long run.

    prevention is better than cure

  2. Why bother cleaning?   That's cheap and relatively safe, until things start growing.

  3. vinegar, baking soda and borax are all you need to keep the house clean. Safe, easy to find and cheap.

    Being cheap is a big part of being green. Being encouraged to buy, buy, buy green stuff is corporate greenwashing

  4. IDK is this a trick question???

    lol jk

    welwelll maybe I mean , but if it does do any harm then possibly no.

  5. Actually there is a safest way to clean your house...vinager and lemon. I agree, environmentally friendly products are expensive, its like organic food...its good for you but expensive. I want to buy  a Hybrid car but they are too expensive. Hybrids, environmentally friendly products are new, I hope they lower the price soon. The only thing we can do is try to be the most environmentally friendly we can afford, at least we are doing something for the planet and for our health, its is worst not to do anything at all.

  6. there is absolutely a safe, environmental, green way to clean!  look in your kitchen.. baking soda and vinegar are two of the cheapest and most environmentally safe ways to clean.  as is hydrogen peroxide.  those 3 products are available at under a buck a piece and can handle any cleaning task you throw at them.  baking soda and vinegar dissolve completely and peroxide actually breaks down into oxygen and water!  personally, i don't use vinegar unless absolutely necessary cause of the smell, but baking soda is a wonderful abrasive cleaner (good for bathrooms and kitchens) and peroxide for almost anything else.  TRY IT!

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