
If you could fire anybody in goverment who would you fire?

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  1. I would fire EVERYONE- because they are all doing a horrible job. They are all getting rich while the normal hard woring American is working his/her butt off, paying crazy taxes, using a full paycheck to fill up a tank of gas, and so on. I would probably put in a bunch of independants.  

  2. The Supreme Court justices who do not uphold the traditional reading of the Constitution.  The Founding Fathers were so brilliant to have written a document that was made to stand the test of time.  The more we change and try to appease other countries, the weaker we become.  Before long, we will not be the great US of A - and we'll be whining how the new super-power of the world is so arrogant out of our jealousy.  

  3. bush because he isn't doing a very good job. i'm just glad election is coming up. go barrack!!!  

  4. nancy p and harry r

  5. tony blair

  6. I would probably get rid of Nancy Pelosi.  I can't stand her.

  7. Bush/Cheney and some Republicans, Democrats. I would clean house.

  8. Who ever thought of HIPPA laws.  Reason is obvious

  9. Bush and Cheney. Most Republicans. They not only have brought this country down the toilet, in terms of the economy, but there is not one country out there in the world that does not despise americans in general since they think we are all arrogant, spoiled and uneducated b******s with too much money and nothing constructive to do. They have abused their power, ignored the fact that they are in office to serve the "people" and represent all of our interests and not the interests of the rich and powerful. They need to go!

  10. Think there are a whole lot of non elected people who have had huge negative impacts on our society, many nameless but J.Edger of the FBI was one, many in the CIA, with no real government control over them - all those neo-conservatives who planned that Iraq war and many others not working for the American peoples best interest.

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