
If you could get rid of 1 rule in Baseball which rule would it be?

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If you could get rid of 1 rule in Baseball which rule would it be?




  1. The DH rule. It just takes away the strategy away from the game. How many Sac Bunts have you seen in the AL? Not many. Have you ever heard the saying "An AL manager cant be a succesful NL Manager unless they have much experience"

  2. I think the players should be able to scramble up into the stands to make a kidding...I do think that Johnny Pesky should be allowed in the Red Sox dug out during the games.  That was just plain mean when the changed that 2 yrs ago.

  3. DH rule

  4. I would eliminate the stupid designated hitter rule.  its just one way the owners are ruining the game.

  5. Catching the ball with your hat. If you look good while robbing a home run with your hat, they should at least give you the out instead of giving the other team a triple or w.e

  6. Just to be different, why not allowing a player to return to the game after he's had a pinch runner, would put a whole new spin and thinking prospect on the managers, think about it you could pull your pitcher for a pinch runner (and in doing so don't risk him getting hurt on the base path or making a base running error) but at the start of the next inning but him back in the game as a pitcher and not have to worry about bringing in a reliever when the SP has he's good "stuff" going.

  7. I guess that the league should have ALL DH or NO DH. I dont like how it is different.

  8. DH makes me want to Scream

    It ruins baseball, thats How much I hate it

  9. The All-Star Game would not determine home-field advantage. The team with the better record would have home-field advantage. If regular season records are a tie, use post-season. If post-season records are tied... flip a coin or something.

    Maybe not the most pressing issue out there, but a point many agree on.

  10. Even though I love hearing the sound of a ball hitting the foul pole, in every other sport (football, basketball, hockey, soccer) hitting the post/upright/rim is not considered a score. Maybe if the ball grazes off the foul pole and lands in HR territory? CONSISTENCY PEOPLE!

  11. DH

  12. The new review rule that they are going to use. I hate instant replay.

  13. I like your thinking nba_gsw and completely agree. I would get rid of the DH I hate it more then all the other stupid experiments the Commissioner has come up with.

  14. I have been a long advocate of this rule and the Hit By Pitch rule.

    I dont think it should be abolished, but altered.

    I think HBP should be treated as a walk and a balk at the same time.  The victim gets to go to first and all baserunners on base should be allowed to advance 90 feet no matter where they are.  

    If a guy gets hit when theres a runner at third.  The victim goes to first and the guy at third comes home.

    I always believe that HBP should not be treated as a walk, because

    A. Its painful

    B. It could be intentionally trying to hit someone(unsportsmanlike conduct)

    C. And theres a great chacne the ball would have been a wild pitch anyways and the runners woulda advanced.

    I created this new rule change a year ago and have advocated behind it since.  Anyone else agree?

  15. Definitely DH. I think all the teams should have a DH (including NL). I would rather all the teams have a DH then none because some pitchers don't hit well, which really kills your offense at times. Good question. Here's a star! =]

  16. Balking Its So Pointless

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