
If you could get ride of one thing in the world, what would it be?

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I think the best thing about being human is to be able to feel and convey all forms of emotion; with that in mind, let your imagination and mind run wild :)




  1. all of the politicians that didn't have everyone's interests at heart

  2. How does one "get ride" of something?

    I guess I'd have to say ignorance...since it causes prejudice and so many other "hateful" attributes

  3. Faith.

    A completely irrational concept that allows organized religion to exploit the masses.

  4. hypocritical  goths. I Hate them!!!

  5. Territorial Instinct.

  6. violence.

  7. space ship

  8. Mosquitoes

    They are a disturbance in the universal equilibrium  

  9. All the crimes in the earth & against the earth.

  10. People that abuse children, emotionally, sexually or physically.  There's nothing that upsets me more than someone who takes advantage of children.

  11. Seriously? Well ok this is a really insulting answer to some people, but it is true. I would want to get rid of stupid people (anyone already getting ticked off?) Yeah I think that (while I love America to death) Americans as a whole are VERY stupid (and yes I am an American) We make it seem like we value things like the earth, and other people, but for the most part, a lot of us only care if it affects us directly.

    But another way to solve this instead of getting rid of those who have no moral fiber or common sense, is to give it to everyone. I would love it if I could give everyone common sense and strong morals.

    For example, people who think of suicide tick me off. I think it is VERY insulting to those who lose their life unwillingly to give yours up for no reason. Plus those who care for you would be hurt if you went through with it, and if they weren't then they didn't care for you.

    I dunno, I just wish we, not as a whole country, but as individuals in this great country could realise that the world does not revolve around us. It revolves for us. It is a privalidge to be alive and well, so use this to make others lives better, and yours will be very satisfying. But we are greedy, obsessed with power, and blind for now, though we do a good job of masking it. (especially politicians)

  12. All the bad things.

  13. The one thing I hate the most...prejudice. Whether it be racial, gender, age, I hate it. Ok...I'm 19 and I'm a college student, but I see it all the time. I hate jerks who go around acting like they are cool and think to keep that status, they have to be bullies. Let me ask you this....have you ever had someone just insult you for no apparent reason? That person was probably insulted the same way....

  14. boring math teachers, they just make my college life boring, glad though i have other interesting philosophy subjects to deal with.

  15. Disease!!  I hate being sick.

  16. annoying boys

    nice ones can stay

  17. i would want to get rid of "pain"  

  18. ignorance

  19. Yes, I agree with you. :) I would ride a spacecraft because their are so many things undiscovered in space.  

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