
If you could give any of these pets to u kid(s) which would you give?

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would you give them a rabbit a hamster a guinea pig or a rat?




  1. I would give them a rabbit because rabbits are not as skittish as the others and they are more lovable towards people. They also cost the same to take care of.

  2. Depends how old they are.

    If very young, go for the hamster or guinea pig.

    If older and more responsible, go for the rabbit.

    *Something to think about though, hamsters and guinea pigs die easily*

  3. Guinea pigs live for a right amount atleast 3-7 years and they are very friendly I treat mine as a member of the family.

  4. guinea pig. I have one now. Much easier then all the other pets. When you have them out for playtime you can put them on the couch and they will not run away. All though you do have to give them a cup of veggies 2x a day. But they do not escape from their cages and love to be around people.


  6. None of these!

  7. I would get them a hamster. I know that's what my dad got me when i was younger and I loved it. I think they are a little easier to take care of and smell the least.

  8. depending on the age, if they were younger id give them a rabbit or a guinea pig as ive never had one bite.

    but when they are older id deffinately say a rat, they are lovely and friendly

    never a hamster, i own some but i wouldnt recommend them for kids

  9. Which ever one they wanted.  I don't care.  If we got a rabbit, my husband might want to skin and eat it....  So might be better to get a hamster.  

    I had rats when I was little. They were cool.

    However, I would MUCH prefer a ferret.

  10. Depends how old the kids are.

    If they are fairly young (i.e 7 years or younger) I would recomend a Guinea Pig. There can be very lovable pets and are not very active thus easier to handle.

    If they are aged over 7 years then any of the above will do. Although they all need alot of care and attention. Maybe a Hamster or a Gerbil would be a better choice - Much more entertaining than a Rabbit or Guinea Pig.

  11. id give them a guinea pig because they are really really lovable and if they are treated right can be let loose like a dog and trained they are actually really cool

  12. What ever they would want.

    I would prefer a gerbil. Or a rat, rats are the sweetest things.

  13. hamster

  14. I would give them a rabbit because rabbits are very calm and so are hamsters. most people aren't really scared of rabbits or hamsters.

  15. rat or guinea pig

  16. a rat

  17. Either a rat of a guinea pig. I would never suggest a rabbit as a children's pet. They require as much care as a dog/cat but people don't realize it.

  18. A guinea pig or a rat.  Rabbits and hamsters don't always want to interact with you and kids would probably like something they could play with.  Guinea pigs are big enough to hold and rats are pretty smart, as rodents go.

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