
If you could give life a score out of 10 what would it be?

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If you could give life a score out of 10 what would it be?




  1. 6.... i need a break

  2. Depends what I am doing at the time. When I am relaxing with my wife and cats, I'd give it a 10, when I think about loosing my job or health concerns of loved ones, I'd drop it down to a 4.

  3. Well I would give life the worst grade ever for me but it kinda depends on what each person had gone through in their lives.If I ever find myself some happiness then I guess the score can change.Its like this story I read is kinda like a game you know and sometimes there are laws that aren't really worth it cause at the end of the story I read that the law of life is death.I think that life is a valuable thing for those who know how to express themselves about their feelings and their opinions and know how to value their own life unlike others who dont.I give my life a 7 right now cause I'm doing fine and I'm not dying either.I am a very healthy person and I am also a good student and I have a place where I live in...but somehow I'm not happy enough so a 7 it is.

  4. i give it 8 !

  5. i would give it a 9 or ten because i am getting pets today

  6. I'll answer this on my death bed.

  7. today i give it a 6 because i am living with emphysema, last week a 4 i was dieing from it. tomorrow who knows?? living dieing?? i just wish live had a little more to offer,or should i have more to offer life, do i try hard enough mybe if i tried harder i could give it a 8/9 if only ?

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