
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go.... For 1 week ( money free)?

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Just curious cause i am going to Cozumel Mexico for spring break...




  1. Japan!!

  2. hhhmmm I would want to go to Japan because my friend went there, and the clothes are hot! Plus, good food. Maybe China because I'm learning Chinese in school. But I'm going to Atl Georgia for Feb vacation. Can't wait!

  3. hawaii, went there once, and i would deff go again

  4. florida, even though i've already been twice, its just amazing!

  5. One of the exclusive Fijian islands  (went to Turtle Island and Likuliku).

    They make Hawaii  and similar places look very average.

  6. I would go to Fiji. My brother lived there for 18 months and loved it and the pictures look fantastic. He'd go back in a minute and I trust his judgement. Besides that, it's a little more exotic than say Hawaii.

  7. Jamaica

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