
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you take??

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Hahaha sorry I got bored. Please answer and I don't care if you're rude.




  1. island hoppin in the Philippines with my babe!

  2. If money is no issue, then I'd travel to Ireland, Scotland, England, Holland, Germany, Italy and Greece.  Probably in that order and I'd take my best friends with me...we'd be gone for a heck of a long time!  Where would yo go?

  3. I would go to Norway because it's such an amazing beautiful country - and take my best friend with me.

  4. All over Europe, including the Greek islands.  I've been to Italy and loved it, but I want to go back.  I would take my husband.

  5. italy and rome and i would take my boyfriend when i have one

  6. I would go on the Wilderness and Traditional Medicine trip that is offered by Academic Treks! It is a study abroad trip and is in Belize. It is a summer learning trip that lasts 22 days. I would bring my friend Krystin along.  

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