
If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

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Just wondering what everyone has to say.

I'm not sure where I would go... :)




  1. to where my ancestor lived, Ireland, Italy, and Austria. Though the place where i really want to go to is Ireland because i am half irish, maybe while im there track down my faternal grandparents (my dad's mother & father).

  2. i think i would want to go to the places that would blow your mind.. the places that are so breathtaking.. like the grand canyon for instance

    the colliseum in Athens Greece

    pyraminds of EGYPT

    That way you would actually feel and take in a part of history... moeny cannot buy that..

  3. I'd go back in time and re-do everything.

  4. Different days I have difference notions.  Today, I do believe I would like to be in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, to enjoy the sheer magnificence of the mountains and watch the sun playing with the clouds making shadows in the snow.  I would like to stay in Banff, Alberta, about 6,000 feet up the mountains at the Timberline hotel and have a vodka martini, scallops, escargot, mesclun salad and a creme brulee as I watched the sunset and the stars come out in that dark blue velvet sky with air so crisp you can see your breath.  Exhilarating!  Deep breaths everyone.

  5. When the dollar is stronger, I'd go to Bora Bora.  That's where they have the over-water bungalows you see in travel pics.  Plus, if you're into it, they speak French there.

  6. Japan eletrronics mannnn!!!!!! and they hav some sweet skateparks

    or skatopia in ohio wen i'm a bit older lke 22 if it's still there in ten years

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