
If you could go back 20 years or so in time, would you do things differently than what you have?

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As for me, I would've tried to have been a little more outgoing and socialble. And I wouldn't have married the first girl who invited me to dinner at her folks' house. Lord, have I ever paid for that one...!




  1. OMG, YES!! I would've NEVER have left USC after my sophmore year to join the LAPD!! I would've stayed and gotten my B.A. degree. Also, I wish I had never picked up that FIRST drink; the rest were downhill from there! Thankfully, that is all over; but, I too, am paying for the PAST!! But, all I can do is look forward to TODAY to make TOMORROW better!=)

  2. assuming that this counts, i would have convinced god to not let me be born!

  3. Yes, I would have never gotten married when I was 18 but I did  & had to face many hardships on the way !

  4. I would never have married my ex husband.

  5. yes definitely.  thought i dont have any regrets with my life now.  but just to make my life better than i have today.  i would like to take engineering classes rather than business class,  lol  and i would like to be a more loving grand child to my grandparents.

  6. For the exception of my vocation : art, no, I'd do the same.

    As for my trust placed far too much into dishonourable unscrupulous people, YES! I should have listened and obeyed my instincts when they loudly said; "LISTEN, YOU IDIOT!!!" and I didn't! Especially in love-related issues.

    Consequently, I am still getting over the effects of wrong decisions. But I have learned a lot...and am fortunate for that!

  7. I would have questioned authority more, spoke up to my parents more often about my desires, took a stand for a better education and more socializing and less religious doctrine. stand up more to my parents and do what interests me not what they wanted me to do. Dated more and not go so fast into serious relationships. Not marry the first person I married because I could not hurt his feelings. Chose the man I really loved the first time around and not let him go. Planned my pregnancies smarter, Lived a more honest and open life despite of who's feelings I might hurt. Volunteer more and drink and party less. Learn a 2nd language and to play piano. Start my interior design business earlier. Spend more time with my brother since he died at age 26. But guess what? I would not be who I am now if I had not done all of the above and who knows, I might be a bore. I have many friends, a loving caring husband and beautiful children smiling at me daily to let me know "I done good!".

  8. I would have worked harder in my earlier grades.

  9. That presumes that I carry with me the acquired experiences and wisdom learned in the last 20 years.   Otherwise it would be another GroundHog Day event.

    I for once would have been more self-confident.  I would never has sign-up for a credit card.  I would have delaid buying my first home by 6 years but put the difference between my nice apartment and my home in a foreign bank (30%) and purchased  Pt bars, Ag, and Au coins.  

    I would have worked hard to get elected at a local or city level.

    I would have gone into the military to travel and get school paid for.  

    I would have kept in touch with more of my friends from jr- high.

  10. Oh Yes Indeed I would YOooooooooweee

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