
If you could go back 'and not marry the one your with??

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would you .




  1. Well with the knowledge that i have gained about women from my wife..  Yea, man... things would e sooo different these days.. Yea so shoot me, I'm a dog.

  2. i would so not do it again

  3. no

  4. NOPE  

  5. Yes...I would have done it differently

  6. Knowing what I know now - YES!

  7. Knowing what I know now, I would not marry her again....But I love my daughter.

  8. If I knew then what I know now, I WOULD NOT have married him!  Even HIS Mom tells me GOOD LUCK!!

  9. NOPE. thought our fights and arguments and yelling we still love each other like day one . sometimes i am glad i dont own a gun but i know i will never be able to pull the trigger . cause i will not have anybody to love and fight with  . i hate him , then i love him then i hate him but i always love him more

  10. I love my husband very much but if I had to do it over again, I believe I would not get married at all.  

  11. I think I would still end up getting married, but I would go back and date for a little while longer before I moved in with him. Maybe get my own place for a year or so.  

  12. No.  I am deeply in love with my husband.

  13. NO! We've had way too many problems & its been 8 years of lies & broken promises!

  14. I would still marry him... He may work my last nerve sometimes, but I couldn't see my life with anyone else. I love him. Even when he makes me mad, he can still make me laugh... how many people do you know that can do that?

  15. Nope, I would still marry my husband, he is great.  

  16. Thankfully the first one left on his own. The one I have now, he'll have to chase me off with a stick.

  17. Yes marriage is to legally unfair

  18. no , my life would be EMPTY

  19. yes, but i would still want my daughters

  20. As much as I love my husband, I had to think about this one. There are certainly others - one at least - that I could have been happy with. But then I think about my 3 lovely children - now all grown up. Without this man, I would have different kids - I could never give them up. And the last test - while I might have been able to picture myself with someone else, I could never ever see him with someone else! So, I guess I really would go back & marry him all over again. Whatever our trials & tribulations have been, they have all been ours & we've come through them together...and I'd like to see it stay that way - then, now, & forever!

  21. I have thought about it - the problem is you never know if what you would get would really be better than what you already have.  

  22. i wouldn't have married him if i had any doubts.

  23. Right now I say yes because I am upset with him but other times I say no because I love him to death.  I would hate going back into the dating scene at the age of 39.  

  24. Yes.

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