
If you could go back in time and prevent a great catastrophe. Which one would you prevent?

by Guest67173  |  earlier

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If you could go back in time and prevent a great catastrophe. Which one would you prevent?




  1. The creation of Chrsitianity it would save more lives than any other possible action!!!

  2. World War II / The Holocaust

  3. I would have to say the days of slavery......that was inhumane.

  4. The Great Depression because those years were suppose to be the turnig point of technology and prosperity to all, especially since that time saw the greatest number of immigrants that migrated to America for a better living only to have almost a majority of them go into poverty and never recover.  

  5. I would have to say the Holocaust and World War 2, they were some of the worst events in human history.

  6. I'd have to say 911. Not because other horrible occurances weren't awful but this one affected every race/ethnicity etc. in America

  7. I have a list.

    1. The Holocaust.

    2. Apartheid in Africa.

    3. The slave trade.

    4. Degradation in the world.

    5. The leap of HIV from an animal to human.

    6. 9/11 ( God, it sucks having that day as a a birthday )

    7. All the times communism went that one step too far into dictatorship

    That's what I'd change. What about you?

  8. Slavery.

  9. The council of Nicea

  10. The creation of the first religion.

  11. The Federal Reserve

  12. The heinous outfit my mother bought me for my first day of high school in the 80s.  Oh my...

  13. Bush in office

  14. My birth.

  15. dude! thast meteor that came down and kill all the dinosaurs! It would be sooo cool if dinosaurs lived right now! Given we probably wouldn't be alive or just prey, but maybe we could tame them!.. wait, no, we would die.

    ....but in all seriousness, any period of genocide.  

  16. I'd have to agree with Livewire9.

    HIV/AIDS is the thing that I would prevent. Perhaps that moment that the virus jumped from monkeys or chimps(?) to humans. Can you imagine? All those people we lost to AIDS would be alive today.

    Who knows what they could have accomplished had they lived.

  17. There would be so much to change, but if you change something, then what would the future be like?

    One action creates a reaction.

    I'm not sure it would had helped change anything in the end.

    It's not history that needs changed, it's people.

  18. The election of George W. Bush

  19. I'd prevent Constantinople from falling to the Ottomans. You'd think they could have let the city be just out of respect the the old Roman Empire :(

  20. i can only pick one huh? i would have to say HIV/AIDS if i only get to pick one. ;-)

    i think we have a new troll on top of me here, time for another report. q****s enterprises, what a name

  21. The dark ages

  22. Man, there are so many choose to from...

    I'll go with Pearl Harbor, for so many reasons that I could continue writing on and on and on...

  23. George Bush.

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