
If you could go back in time?

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and live in that time period for the rest of your life where would you go. i would go live with americ indians before the exploers arrived.




  1. I think living in the Classical Greek of Athens would be fun.

  2. i would live in the 14th century and be a ninja or samurai! that would be freakin' awesome! i've always wanted to be a ninja!

  3. where they were creating the movie west side story.

  4. I go live in the chivalric times like King Arthur and stuff

  5. I agree, american indians or even maybe a hinduist life at some point.

  6. I don't think I'd go.  The past was not the idyllic golden era people imagine.  Depending on how far back you go, there was little or no effective medical services, there were droughts, famines, pestilences, some pretty gruesome wars, etc.  There were also much fewer freedoms; minorities and women throughout most of history were treated as subhuman.  The notion that genocide is a really, really bad thing and should be condemned is less than a century old.  Nearly all our modern conveniences are, well, modern.  There was much less knowledge.  And even during highpoints such as the Enlightenment, society tended to be stifling.

    If anything, I'd like to travel a few centuries into the future.  Human civilization has only been getting better and, well, more civilized over the long term, and I see no reason why the future won't continue this trend.

    P.S. to Genki:  I'm pretty sure they didn't allow women to be ninjas.  Womens' purpose was to do chores and shoot out babies, and that's about it.

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