
If you could go back in time where and when would it be....?

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If you could go back in time where and when would it be....?




  1. i would go back to when my parents and grand parents were young, hide and take some pictures of them and go to the time i was a baby and take some more pictures and then return to my time..............

  2. Late 70's Disco Era in NY City!!!

  3. I'd only go back about ten years to when me and my little brother used to play cars in the dirt, or our family yabbie competitions... miss it

  4. May 29, 1992,  the day I married my Ex and I would tell all my guests how sorry I was that they came for nothing because I was NOT marrying an abusive piece of worthless dog c**p!!  Some how, we still lasted 15 yrs.  The only thing we had in common was the hatred for my mom and the love for our 3 girls!

  5. Woodstock '69. Time of Free love and drugs!

  6. geeez that's a hard one.  Either back to about 1970 Montreal to met my Dad ( he died just after I was born) or the middle kingdom in Egypt

  7. Back where there were indians  living all over the U.S. There still indians here but they are more modern. I chose that because that is part of my genetics. I think it's interesting! :)

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