
If you could go back in time would you fight the Pearl Harbor War?

by  |  earlier

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so if you could go back in time would you help fight the Pearl Harbor war or would you rather run away like a coward and let your people die by our enemies if it was me i would fight until my last breath




  1. err Pearl Harbor War?

    Well in WW2, I would probably be a Marine already station in Wake Island and will participate in the "Alamo of the Pacific" until we are force to surrender.

    I do hope we will get rescue so I could participate in Guadalcanal, Saipan, Iwo Jima, etc.

    I would be crying after Vice Admiral Pye ordered the rescue task force to return because he was afraid of losing his ships. Its telling us we're not worth it being save...

    I will probably spend the rest of the entire war being a POW.

  2. wasn't aware there was a "pearl harbor war"

  3. I think you're referring to World War II. That point aside, I'd fight until there was nothing left to fight for. Hooah!

  4. WOW!!!When was this war????Ive heard of the Battle of Pearl Harbor not war???

    And  i would  only fight if i was in Polish uniform.

  5. For your information, it wasn't called the "Pearl Harbor War."

  6. i whode not fight for america for turkey or ireland maybe but not america

    its easy to say i whode fight to my last breat but i have been in real war (not war it was more like hunting down terrorists but it still scars the out of ya)

  7. If you mean the battle of Pearl Harbor (as part of WW2), no I would not like to be there.  For Japan it was like shooting fish in a barrel, so as an individual I doubt I could've been much of a help.  I'd rather be part of the planning or fighting that came later to ensure an eventual victory.

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