
If you could go back to the past knowing what you know now.

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If you were given that chance. Would you take it and live all those years over again. What age would you go back to, how old are you now and what would you change.




  1. I am 36 now and the happiest i ever been.

    Not sure i would like to go back in time.

  2. I wouldn't change a d**n thing, cause I know that if I change the past, the entire world could change, and nothing would be the same, remember, small things that you do now will affect you greatly in the future.

  3. Right after high school, I'd stay in school til I graduated from college. I'm 29 and have 2 kids

  4. I am 54 years old.  I would like to go back to being 6 years old and stay there forever.  If I could not do that, I would change many things.  I would not have married the man who took his own life at age 30, leaving behind 2 children.  I would NOT have had a second child because she has turned into a malicious, cruel individual.  If she had never been born, so many hearts would not have been broken and so many lives would not have been shattered.  I would have made efforts to know my Dad better before he died.  I would have asked my youngest brother not to hike into a field and shoot himself in the chest.  I would not have tried so hard to please my mother because nothing was ever good enough.  I would have told my 8th grade teacher how mean she was.  

  5. If I could go back to the past I would study more and get an education

    right now I am a seater/buster of tables and I hate it

    but I don't think I could change anything with my learning problem

    I so wish I was like other in my family,they are smart. And my brain isn't  

  6. All this is true.....but who are you people?

  7. all that exists is now

    me I want the future

    and I dont want to lose what I know now by risking death and the lottery of whatever I might get next - dont want to risk that I wont learn again what I managed to grasp in this life.

    I have seen magical flux from one moment to the next of what was turning into a new is

    I intend to continue

    if the mind is both what is controlling the operation of my brain


    that whole big wide reality out there

    that can be changed with something as subtle as a dream

    I want to learn more to dream

    I want to learn more to have my body follow me in increase

    Science now is accepting that I can turn this body that was born over 60 years ago into a vitaly energetic 21 year old if that is what I put my mind to and activete and live for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years --- well hey I for one am going for it!!



    I did what I did cause I wanted to

    only regrets I have even like most people is for what I didnt do

    now I have grown in knowledge and wisdom

    I make different choices

    I will make different choices in the future as I change along with the changes of reality

    I want to know more

    do more

    find greater

    Mind Creates Worlds * Feed Your Mind * Free Your World

    Me, I am going forward to the future - the past I already had - I still hunger

    take a look at all there is out there in the midnight sky

    why go back to such a small past?

  8. I'd go back and physically stop my ex from getting married. Not for my sake. He got his new gf pregnant, forced her to marry him, and then killed a woman driving a police car (he's a cop) drunk and landed himself in jail. That kid's gotta live with his guilt now.

  9. I wouldn't change a thing if I ever did have that chance. Besides, why live in history when you have the present and future right now? Make the most of it, have no regrets over what is done.

    Stop if you are going to fast.

    It is worth a try. Good luck.  

  10. I would certainly be less religious, and pursue more purely physical sexual relationships, in the '50's, '60's, and '70's. I'd have opted for no kids. The ones I got turned our great, but.... I'd have spent more time trying to amass wealth and financial stability,instead of donating to crooked charities, and wasting time volunteering to help those that didn't want or really need my help.

  11. Oh! yes I wished to go back to the past to know what was the best thing in life to live for, in my teenage of caused.

  12. well though i am 19 an indian... i'll change gandhiji decision to let musllims live in india... many of them are a threat... though i wont be alive then it was back in 1947...

    if in only my life.... i'll change my decision to take up acrchitecture to graduate... and that will change last two years in my life...

  13. I would go back to 1999 and stop myself from spending my life savings on emergency supplies for the y2k end of the world that I  thought would happen. Man was I ever wrong then.

  14. I'm 42.  I know I couldn't change my past and have the great life I have now.  So, I wouldn't change my past.  But if I were giving advise to someone it would be take advantage of the resources you have (parents, etc) to get a college degree.  You may think you need a break and you can always go back, but life happens... it's not always an easy path to go back.

  15. I have to agree with blue, some memories aren't the best. Some are simply crappy, but I learned something from all that I went through. Without all that I went through, I would not be the woman I am today. So no...I would not want to go back!

  16. THats hard to say.  I would have changed things after I got out of hs.  I let my over baring parents make my decisions for me, and it was stuff I didnt want.  I would have went out of state for school, would have stayed in school, and wouldnt have gotten into some of the things I did.

    BUT, in changing that, I would loose the good things I have now.  I never would have hooked up with my spouse, and things like that.  So, even though I know my life could have been very different, I dont know that I could give up what I have now, for something completly unknown.

  17. No thanks. There is a time for all things.

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