
If you could go back to the year 1492 and could CHANGE ANYTHING between then, until now ... what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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What would you have done;


not at all;

or would you do something that has been never done?

Use your imagination or your wisdom to answer. Don't limit yourself to any one "thing" cover all the points you wish to mention. Write as much as you want, there is a lot of typing paper here. I am very interested about the responses I'll get and will read every word. - Look back in time and then look around ... lets see what you come up with.





  1. Well for the world I would kill Adolf Hitler before he became the leader of Germany

    But if i was gonna do stuff more for my own life i would steel my mothers car keys the night about 9 or 10 years ago when a truck rear ended her and hurt her back for the rest of her life. My mother is one of the nicest people ever almost to the point where it is bad for her and she loved to do her firm tapes and get exercise. Some guy came up behind her and crashed his truck into her car. Now she has gone threw years of pain and now i think i'm gonna cry well typing this...

  2. I would increase the power of the Spanish Inquisition, I wish it never ended. I would use this power to increase my personal wealth while promoting a religious agenda. I would wipe out peoples who were different from me and subjugate the weak. It really sounds like fun.

  3. stop that lying italian from subverting the truth that a german was the real first white discoverer of north america.

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