
If you could go back to when you where a teenager/kid what would you have done differently?

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If you could go back to when you where a teenager/kid what would you have done differently?




  1. Never left the country that raised me.

  2. Have bigger dreams and really persue them.  If I could go back to college I would either not have declared a major right away or just taken some classes outside of the required ones to see more of what else was out there.  I played it pretty safe as a kid and I wish I would have tried to be more.  That saying that if you shoot for the moon... even if you miss you are among the stars.  Yeah, I wish I felt more like that applied in my life.

  3. I think I would take more risks of the heart.  Tell that boy I liked him.  Have more confidence.  And not worry so much about being rejected.

  4. listen to my mother ( single parent)

    finish school

    waited to get married and have children ( yes i love my children)

    not started smoking

  5. wow that is a large question~ if possible i would make sure i was more confident in myself,and not believe the negative stuff my mom kept telling me.. like i was fat and no one will ever love me.. i believe if i could of ignored that, i could of paid more attention in school and made better grades, because as i found out later i didnt know as much as i thought when i got to high school and in turn did not make good grades then either. by then i was so worried about no one ever loving me that i was

    "lookin' for love~in all the wrong places.. and i did find it.. i would have stayed a virgin for many more years than i did. and hopefully would have gone on to college or learned a good trade. i didnt think of what my future would be like.. and looking back on my life  i can see i missed out on alot of positive things that could have happened IF i had

    done more positive things for me.. instead of believing all the negative stuff that was being pounded into my brain..

  6. Even though I have had a very successful life both personally and business wise, the one thing that I would do differently would be to finish college.  I left school during World War II and went on to the good fortune of marrying a fabulous husband who developed a tremendously successful construction and real estate business, but I still regret not finishing my education.

  7. I wanted to be a cosmetologist and was told by my school adviser that I should only take business courses and be an administrative assistant. She thought doing hair was "demeaning".  I regret that and really wish that I had followed by own heart.

    I would have not tried to grow up so quick and should have studied more.

    I would have joined the Marines.

    I wish I had listen more to my mom and understood some of the problems that she had and been more sympathetic, because I realize now that she had sadness in her world .

    I didn't do any of those things, but now...I'm a really good listener, and I do my friends hair for free, and I always thank our Service Men and Women for doing such a great job.  It's never to late to make up for what never was.

    Be the best that you can.

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