
If you could go to any two central american countries, which ones and why?

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Please provide the reason why you would go.




  1. I am originally from El Salvador, but I would recommend visiting Guatemala and Belize for a few reasons...

    Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America.  The Guatemalan government fought the British government over the territory for centuries... until it offically became an independent nation within the Commonwealth in 1981!  The distribution of wealth is fairer in Belize than in Guatemala where you will see sharp contrasts between the rich in the Zona Viva (where the president's children and their friends hang out) and the shanty towns in other zones, but both countries thrive on tourism.  Go scuba diving in Belize!  See the Mayan ruins in Guatemala!  

    Both countries are fantastic culturally.  Most Belizeans have African ancestry and more than 50% of the Guatemalan population are Mayan (Mayans are known for their wonderful textiles, which you can get a look at here:  Add to that Palestinians, Chinese, German, Irish,... immigrants that now call these countries home and you'll see what I'm talking about :)  

    If you are planning a trip there, have a great time!  I travel there frequently myself ;)

  2. I would go to belize and Costa Rica they are two of the nicest countries i have ever been to. Costa Rica if you have kids maybe i don't recommend they have many illegal prostitutes on their streets mainly all are from Poor Nicaragua and some from war torn colombia.

  3. Costa Rica for the cloud forest, frogs & butterflies - Guatemala for the mountains, volcanos & people

  4. I love them all hermanos unidos we should all be called

    Belice and Guatemala for the mayan ruins, the barrier reef, and birds.

    Nicaragua and Costa Rica for the forests, wildlife, beaches, cities and the barrier reefs.

    Honduras for the roatan islands, mayan ruins, beaches, and garifuna villages.

    El Salvador and Panama for the beaches, surf and capital cities.

  5. costa rica <3-it's beautiful

    guatemala-i kno some friends from there = ]

  6. brazil (amazon) & Chille (skiing/mountian


  7. I would go to Brazil and my reason would be for Rio.  I hear it's nice there. lol

    The other Central American country I would visit would probably be Peru to see all the ancient ruins and hike in the mountains.

  8. I can assure you Guatemala it's an amazing experience! Your first must-see is Antigua... I've known many people that came for vacations or work and stayed for years... it's the ancient Guatemala City, it has everything, ruins, old temples, lots of museums, fine dining, bars, people are very friendly, a lot of tourists and very safe. The city has a special charm because of the city’s architecture, all the temples are mostly original, and the ones that have been

    Then, you should go to Tikal, it's an antique Mayan City, you'll be amazed with the monumentality (if such word exists) of the temples...  It’s inside a humid forest, for it’s an amazing adventure… you feel different just by being there…There is also, some caves to explore and, the view you get from the top of the temples, it’s amazing…

    The other country I would recommend is Costa Rica, mainly because of its beaches… The Manuel Antonio National Park, the park has four lovely beaches, each with its own personality: Espadilla Sur, Manuel Antonio, Escondido, and Playita. The prettiest is Playa Manuel Antonio, a small scimitar of coral-white sand with a small coral reef. It's separated from Playa Espadilla Sur by a tombolo--a natural land bridge formed over eons through the accumulation of sand--tipped by Punta Catedral, an erstwhile island now linked to the mainland. You can do good snorkeling, especially during dry season, when the water is generally clear.

    And of course, this is just a peek of all the greatness of this countries… check out the websites below:

  9. Costa Rica cuz of my mom and Nicaragua cuz of my dad.

  10. I would definitely recommend Honduras, for the following reasons, you can choose either visiting an old colonial town,ie Gracias, or visit Mayan Ruins in Copan, or nice Caribbean beaches in Tela or the best ones in Central America, Roatan there you can snorkel and/or dive in the coral reef. Also not to many tourists so it is not as expensive as Costa Rica or Guatemala or El Salvador

    The other country Guatemala, because its the easiest to visit from the Caribbean coastline of Honduras and it is nice also.

  11. I would go with my wife to her native Honduras. She always talks about how much she loves it.

    The other one would be Nicaragua. I would return because of the hospitable people and the country is amazingly beautiful.

  12. Costa Rica

  13. This sounds like a homework question.

    And Mexico is not part of Central America.

    I would choose Belize and Panama, because those are the only two Central American countries I have not yet visited. All the others are beautiful and wonderful in their own unique ways.

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