
If you could have a special power what would it be?

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If you could have a special power what would it be?




  1. To know what to do and what not to do and after knowing to be able to do it.

  2. Mystique from Xmen - I'd love to be able to morph like her. That'd be SOOO cool!

  3. I'd like the power to convince people what's silly and what's real.

  4. I wish I had the power of the cosmos. That I can use up the very particles that make up the universe and use it as I deem fit.

  5. I would love to be able to teleport to different places.  It would save me wicked on gas, insurance & travel time.  On your 30 min. lunch-break, no problem just pop over to Tokyo for a quick bowl of ramen, then back to the States in time to punch the clock

  6. Mind control

  7. I'd like to control electricity.

  8. To be able to speak and understand every language on earth.

  9. i would try to turn lead to gold or develop free energy so I guess the power of absolute genius.

  10. change the future

  11. i will release the sin and pain of people by blowing up the earth. so there will be no sin and pain again.

  12. mind reading that way i could know everyone's true motives or either being able to tell the future that way no one could ever harm or hurt u.

  13. To teleport myself anywhere I want at anytime, or to time travel, or to transport myself into another person so I could know what it's like ti be them for awhile.

  14. I think most people would choose powers like flying and shooting lasers out of their eyes. But I would want the power to eat rocks. Then I would never go hungry.

    I think mica would be like sugar and quartz would be like sweet and low, so I wouldn't want to eat rocks with too much of that, except for dessert.

    ........Wait a minute, can I go back to the flying and lasers? That actually did sound cool.

  15. Well, I usually stay away from the word "power", but flying would definitely rock :)

  16. I'd like the power to move these kind of questions out of the Science & Mathematics category!

  17. Having the knowledge, wisdom and the power of the universe. I didn't say God or Satan though.He, she or it gets blamed for too many things which supposedly go wrong. Immortality is part of knowledge as well.But, what good is immortality if only to live forever in servitude? Free will is something that many of us take for granted. Let's say that suddenly all of our free will was taken away from us and all we knew was to be confused about everything. Yes, we have free will to imagine and to fantasize but, what if you couldn't make decisions or remember things anymore either? Can you even imagine this scenario?The power of free will is a magical and wonderful thing we have.We should be able to use it more often in this world and make decisions together that include all of us and not just the chosen and the elite few.

  18. shape shifting,

    I want to be able to change body types like I can change my clothes now

  19. Teleporatation definitely.  Go anywhere anytime.  It solves all problems.  teleport away from danger.  Teleport to save the damsel in distress. Teleport to your family vacation. Escape rush hour traffic.  Avoid relationship ending arguments.  it's the best superpower there is!!!


  20. I would have special vision that would make objects appear larger.  That way I wouldn't feel so humiliated when I get out of the shower.

  21. Super speed a la the Flash

  22. Polymorphism, immortality, omnipotent. Basically can you call being a "God" a special power?

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