
If you could have an hour with the SAminister of your chioce, who would it be and what would be the out come?

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If you could have an hour with the SAminister of your chioce, who would it be and what would be the out come?




  1. I must admit that in my ignorance I honestly do not know the name  of one South African minister or indeed do I have much knowledge of the working of South African politics but if were to meet a South African Minister I would like to ask him if he feels that South Africa should take the initiative in working to unite all the countries in Africa and deliver a more stable,improved and safer environment for all of the citizens of the African continent.

  2. Many years ago when in SA I spent time with Trevor M.

    I would ask him to come to UK and take over our economy.

  3. Jacob Zuma..........he will be dead after 10 min. I will just say he tried to rape me.....

  4. Today I'd like to chat to Ms Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Minister of Foreign Affairs because my current bugbear is the Olympic Games and their host, China. Don't get me wrong - the state of THIS nation is very important to me. But I'll let the rest of you tackle those issues for today.

    We'll have tea. I'll casually ask her to motivate her support for China. In reality I don't think reasoning with or swaying the opinion of Ms Dlamini Zuma is viable, but I'd like to hear what she has to say nonetheless.

    It's likely that I'll become infuriated at some point. Then - via telepathy - I'll transferr to her the statistics related to China's human rights violations, as well as the reasons why it goes against everything her party and government has fought for to support China. I'm not certain whether she'll listen to me if I actualy try to speak, so I'd better have another strategy. In fact, perhaps I'll try a Jedi mind trick, and get her to boycot China with immediate effect.


    What a great question. I know very little about the structure of our government aside from the fact Trevor Manuel is the Minister of Finance, and our Health Minister is and contradiction in terms. Subsequently I did a little research - something which I think we could all benefit from, particularly when we're being critical of the government. We'll then know who we're really pointing fingers at!

  5. Anyone of them and the outcome will all be the same.Useless bunch of "!$£^%*)*((*^&^$%"$%

  6. I know that she is not a minister but I would choose Winnie Mandela, and give her the Stompie treatment.

    Then I would have her declared insane like she did to her driver Jerry Richardson, who took the fall for her on the stompie case on the promise from Winnie that he would be released from prison and when it didn't happen, he wanted to tell the truth, she had her lawyer and a psychiatrist declare Richardson insane.

  7. Of course you would john, you would probably ask him to look after your wife as well, you being such an impotent little Whiny swine.

    I do not have any preferences as to any minister so long as he is under 35, 10 minutes would do, so does that mean that I can choose five more.

    I would really like to spend time with Jokio Sexwhali, he came to our DoJo one day to show us some moves, he must have been watching Jackie Chan movies, told everyone that he was a brown belt but even the juniors saw through that, we all just quietly moved away because he was getting on some of the members nerves and a few of the guys wanted to slap him about because all he could talk about was how bad apartheid was and how great the ANC was,

    It was all we could do to not laugh in his face. What a joke he is.

  8. I would take up the offer, but would certainly be too afraid of shedding at least 100 IQ basis points after such a meeting.

    I can observe and attempt communication with monkeys at the local zoo anytime I please, why would I then desire a meeting with their cousins in the ANC?

  9. I would like to kill a bottle of Johnnie Wlaker with Tshongololla-Missymang and tell her she is doing a wonderful job. I would encourage her to continue with her cures and push them even harder as she may well get a Nobel Prize for Medecine.

  10. Once again, Alf and Bull have come to the fore with sterling replies. And honestly, I am not in the position time-wise to give longer answers, so I am grateful to them for their well thought out and perennially wise observations and remarks. Good job, boys!

    PS. As you can see, this is my fifth incarnation. I'm catching up with you chaps! LMAO!

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