
If you could have anything for your birthday present what would it be???

by  |  earlier

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Take it as a dream come true:]]]




  1. A Horse of my very own :o)

  2. I want all of the money and clothes in the world!!!


  3. A nice house completely paid for (I rent a crappy house that needs a lot of repairs), a new SUV (mine is old and breaking down), tons of money in the bank so I can stop struggling to pay bills and savings for my children so they won't have to struggle when they grow up.

  4. i would want all my friends and family with me with no drama, no problems or anything! so pretty much just a PERFECT day!  

  5. All the clothes I've ever wanted, or a Fendi Bagette.

  6. My Birthday is Sept 25th !!  

    You are the first person who has asked me.   I would like to be a stay at home mom. My house paid off, College $$ for my kids  

    I would like to visit my relatives in Europe ( havent seen them in 20 yrs)

    and yes there is a charity that desperately needs help that I am interested in  but unable to help at this time ...but when i am able I will.  

  7. To have my picture of my grandchild sitting in my lap,

    just one more time, and rock that child to sleep. <}:-})

  8. to have a quick glimpse into the future...

  9. All my family around me.

  10. I would love to have a 30 acre horse farm complete with 20 stall barn, indoor and outdoor riding area and nice new house on the property and a couple of horses to go with it. I'd be in heaven :)

  11. a one-armed stripper in a bathtub full of maple syrup


  13. Very simply, total peace of mind.

  14. My mom ( I lost her to breast cancer in May of this year) .. She was my best friend and I miss her dearly!  

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