
If you could have just 1 wish, what would it be?

by Guest66516  |  earlier

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more wishes and/or money do not count.




  1. to be able to be in a movie. just to act would be nice. i am actually majoring in theatre. and do town plays, but it would be nice to be seen on the big scree. to get an award or go down thee red carpet and have people wanting you autograph. i know the place to go is california. but finding the money and time (school) i really don't know.  

  2. I wish dave had not died

  3. a beatiful natural blond and 6 kids but have a very good Christian family

  4. to find my purpose, find myself

  5. i'd wish for love

  6. for a billion wishes

  7. (Tom)

    I wish that  I could have a happy life, and not get devorced ( which probably will not happen anyway.)


    I wish that my old family would stop fighting so I can visit them, for a happy life, and that Justin Mendehall ( I think he is 13, 14 this year) had not moved in fourth grade to Texas. Justin, or people who know him, please, I really need to hear from you. I miss you.

  8. To live in a nise house with a big yard. away from noisy and nosy neighbors.

  9. a happy life with my family. all together. becuz they have always stood for me and never left me for anything unlike my ex gf. :(

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