
If you could have one super power ,what would it be?

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If you could have one super power ,what would it be?




  1. The power to change the world. I would make it something else of my own desire.

  2. Telekenesis.  Not so huge that I could move the moon, but moving a large battleship around the world would be kewl.  

  3. i would hav power:---

    1.power of Sound....from my Mouth....its a character frm my story...


    2.My most favorite power....Power to control Gravity......

  4. immortality, so I can see the whole world change

  5. invisibility, that way i could go anywhere or get out of anywhere i want.

    either that or the power to freeze time , this would maybe be better, actually i think it is. yup im stickin with the power to freeze time.

  6. to be a vampire or warevolf!!!!!!

    they technically both have "powers" so either one (preferabaly vampire)

    i love twilight the book so it would be great to be like edward(read minds, great sence on smel, super speed, super strenght, immortality, no need to get fat by eaitng, no need to sleep)

    vampires rule!

  7. The Evolution Ability!!

    I gain a new power everytime I get into a sticky situation that requires it!!!

    PS: I like to cheat :D

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