
If you could have one wish for america what would it be?

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If you could have one wish for america what would it be?




  1. I would wish that our government printed its own money instead of a private bank owned by greedy fat cats (Federal Reserve)

  2. That we never have as idiotic a president as the current one, ever again, please God.

  3. That USA & other highly developed countries accept that other countries use the Keyneisiane economic model and go on towards a better developed life.

    PS: America is all AMERICA (Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, etc.) If you are referring to USA, it would be:

    That it's economic field can get stable :D

  4. Equality

  5. less nosy in foreign affairs

  6. for everyone to have a strong sense of pride in the American way of life the way it used to be.

    taking a stand for what you know to be right, there was a time when the gov fought for the rights of the working man and families, when the world looked to us for true leadership and guidance.


  7. For people to stop worrying about their looks and critisizing eachother

    Peace <3!

  8. LOVE (theres not enough love in america);

  9. emulate the 90's .. no war, the country at a surplus not in debt, gas wasn't such a big deal

  10. Any one of these would be nice:

    Globally to be more responsible to other nations in the transformation to democratic values in an effort to retain cultural identity.

    Globally to be proactive in our rentention and collection of country data to be more aware of how country's respond to U.S. influence to make a greater impact on them to affect a more positive change within nations deprived of responsible leaders, rights or liberties, or adequate sustainability.

    As a U.S. citizen, domestically for our citizens to be held more accountable for the state of our nation and be more active in newly created state wide programs that will aid the U.S. to gain or retain further support from it's citizens and/or the international community.

    Domestically for the U.S. to make "improvements in technology" an agenda in relationship to issues regrading pollution, transportation, security. If the U.S. is successful in this it would spread to other nations and we could implement this in exchage for an decreased debt, as well as have the ability to monitor a nations status more effieciently and effectively. For example, we excavate the landfills, recycle the usuable products, turn the excess into a form of energy that will fuel cars and that can also be used to power businesses with lower emissions.  That would solve much of our pollution problem, our energy crisis, and fuel shortages.  For example, retail theft is an overlooked crime.  Design a system that can prevent and deter thieves by implementing or tags on the merchandise that can be tracked upon entry and exit of the building, There would be a network that would have payrolls, logistics, and inventory all logged into one. There could be a public database to see how other companies are doing for investors and the public to be more informed and only benefit business.

  11. That we would put a democrat in office this year.

  12. I would wish that America could be the first country to be completely dependent on solar power.

  13. That people would remember that this was a nation founded on core Christian values.  That God had let us have our freedoms and we are the ones that keep letting them get taken away piece by piece.

  14. That our money was actually worth something

  15. No more racism or discrimination!

  16. that we would rediscover manners which show people how to treat others with kindness even when you don't want to.

  17. better school system because even if i know there are many alrigth people there, there still are waaaaay to much ignorance walking around as well in some circles

  18. To be totally self sustaining and not relying on the outside.

  19. Hmmm...I'd wish to have several more!

    1. For the United States to stop "bullying" other "weaker" countries to do their will.

    2. For the war in Iraq to stop because it's not just affecting the US, it's affecting the whole world.

    3. For Americans to start using renewable energy instead of non-renewable energy like oil since it's once again killing the world.

    4. I'd also wish for discrimination to cease

    5. I'd also wish for some Americans to stop blaming immigrants for stealing their jobs when they wouldn't do those jobs in the first place.

  20. That all the republicans be banned from government and the banking industry.

  21. for george bush to die and a democrat become president

  22. i have two...don't be mad ;)

    Our government will get un-corrupted, AANND that we'll stop pushing the rest of the world to agree with our morals.

    whew, glad i got that off my chest

  23. I am from america I`ll say America has every thing you need  

  24. That we stop acting like the world's babysitter and turn our attention to where it really matters.

  25. Make life easier by putting things like the way they use to be .. without food rashing, times tight, lower gas prices like a dollar and some change, and so on.

  26. Great question, love your screen name also!

    My wish would be no more suffering and war and genocide.

  27. The eradication of all her enemies. Both here and abroad.

    In a slow, painful, manner!

  28. That every American really DID have the opportunity to succeed.

  29. It would be to end the f-war its just killing more and more

    people and for america to stop getting involved in other

    countries wars thats how world war 3 to start!

  30. equality...

    meaning everyone has same rights

    everyone has same amount of money

    everyone has same opportunities


  31. to have ten more wishes for america, hehe

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