
If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

by  |  earlier

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Only one....




  1. i wish to have an eternal happiness in my life.

  2. Pastrami on rye and a dill pickle

  3. i wish to find my best friend and true love as the same person

  4. A time machine

  5. The numbers for the next power ball drawing.

  6. I'd wish that people would post questions in the right category all the time and that I had a million dollars so I could find something better to do with my time than be here.  LOL  

  7. If only one wish.

    I would wish for a world of peace and understanding, where everyone could and would accept everyone else.  No more war, no more strife, no more conflict.

  8. To find the love of my life  

  9. after much thought - I'd wish for 100% control of all the money in the world.

    With it I could:

    1) spend it on finding and implementing cures for diseases such as cancer, aids etc.

    2) buy world peace

    3) feed all of the hungry, house all of the homeless

    4) clean up the factories, stop polluting the planet

    5) fund alternative fuel projects, get us off oil dependency

    6) get all of the special interest groups out of U.S. politics

    7) provide quality medical care for those who need it

    8) fix my bathroom

    9) leaving this open knowing I've forgotten something important

  10. i wish to be invisible :) so that i can enjoy a loads

  11. I'd wish for the ability to fly!

  12. I'd wish for the power to make anything happen, if I couldn't have that i'd wish for Xray glasses    

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