
If you could have the attention of every human being on the planet for just 5 minutes, what would you say?

by  |  earlier

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anything is possible here.




  1. First, I would speak to those in contemplation of suicide, and ask them from my heart to refrain.

    "Not one of you is so alone in the world that there are no others who would be hurt by such a decision. And not one of you is so alone in the world that there are no others who would be willing to help you through the crisis that led you to consider such an act."

    And to those who have no thoughts of suicide, I would say: "Look around you. Clearly, there are some who do have that on their minds. Find the one heartbroken or rudderless person nearest you, the one it is most opportune for you to help, and reach out a hand to that person."

  2. I'm not the most comfortable public speaker and I think speaking to six and a half billion people would probably make me forget whatever I was going to say.

    If I was drunk enough I might manage a karaoke rendition of "Give Peace a Chance"

    All we are saying is give peace a chance

    All we are saying is give peace a chance

    Edit: On second thought, a more serious answer. I would implore the third world not to aspire a first world standard of living. We need to stop taxing our resources as much as we do in the US, we don't need the rest of the world to add to the problem because of our bad example.

  3. Never give up.

    Never give up on yourself, or others. Do not let go of your dreams, they can be achieved if you aim high enough. Do not stop loving and caring for yourself or others. Everyone has the ability to chance the world and create a better place for us all, if we simply try and put worth effort.

    Do not wait to change your life, or the lives of others - for the better, take action now. Donate and help people, even if it is just a click on to have sponsors pay for food to be shipped globally to those who need it. Donate blood, donate books.. anything you can do to make an impact. The smallest thing, even a hug, can change someone's view - even just for a second.

    Just don't give up.

  4. i would tell those a$$h0les that killed sean taylor that they are goin to h**l cause god is a skins' fan

  5. don't be selfish. think of others. don't get attached to anything. DON'T WANT ANYTHING because wanting will only lead to unhappiness. cherish what you have but don't be cocky or become obsessed with what you have. educate yourself with the teachings of Buddha.

  6. You dont have to fight each other just because your government says its going to war. If we all say no we will not go to war we will treasure the differences in our cultures, we will respect each other and we will love not hate.  If prime ministers and rulers want a war let them fight each other in a field; but the people of the world will say no more we are going to be friends and develop a life that we can all live together. All cultures, all creeds, all differences we are all people and it can work.

  7. i would talk about how we could work towards peace, and about my opinion on certain laws (legalizing pot) and stuff like that

    all this would take more than 5 minutes but hopefully i could get people to realize some of what i was talkin about and keep listening

    if I could only say one sentence i would say:

    "My choice is what i choose to do, and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you"

       -Ben Harper (burn one down, listen to this song)

    any one posting after me also answer what you would say if you only had one sentence to the whole world


  9. Hi there!  How are you doing?

  10. I would speak about world peace, but lets face it, I doubt it would make a difference. 5 minutes or 5 days, still don't think people would care.. sadly

  11. I would recite...

    "What one great thing would you dare to dream - if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you absolutely could not fail? This is one of the most important questions of all, because what this says is that "THIS" (your answer) is your great dream, your great ambition in life, and if you know the answer to this question - it means you can have it!  The very fact that you can think clearly what this answer may be, means you are half way there to accomplishing it.

    Nature is not capricious. It does not on the one hand give us the ability to clearly visualize a goal without at the same time giving us the ability to realize it. This is one of the most exciting things about the human physce - the very fact that you can crystallize or "think" if you will - means you can achieve it. The only question is - How badly do you want it and are you willing to pay the price to get it? The only limitation - is in your own mind - not in contained in physical reality.

    Rather than focusing on what you don't want, or feeding concern to the obstacles you may face in reaching your lifes goals - put that energy to good use and focus on the goals and the wonderful feelings that go along with the accomplishment - once you reach that star!  Dream Big

  12. Live the next 5 minutes as if your death was waiting for you in the 6th. In the last 5 minutes on your deathbed, what words would be left unspoken? What hugs not given? What eye contact withheld? What breath uninspired?

  13. Can't we all just get along, or agree to disagree, and live in harmony? etc./ etc.

  14. I'd say:  "check this out!" Then I'd play "All U Can Eat" by Ben Folds.

    In the remaining time, I'd have a quick question and answer session and then say:  "NO MORE QUESTIONS! - thank you and good night"

  15. tttttttay,

    It's a good question when you first think about it, and then it becomes a great question when you think about a bit longer!  I imagine most people will say something along the lines of world peace, brotherly love, just get along, etc; however, No one short of a Messiah could influence the planet's population (within 5 minutes).  And since your question only gives one the world's "attention" for 5 minutes, half of those that hear you will disagree with anything you say (that you believe is important) and the other half will think you're nuts.  Even so, as a former hippie, I guess I would just stare into the camera for 4 minutes and 50 seconds while playing John Lennon's song of fame in the back ground.  Then I'd flash the peace sign for the last 10 seconds.

  16. You are spiritual beings having human experience.

  17. I like this question.

    I would sing,(assuming I could),some beautiful song to all,so I could spread a good vibe and maybe make some people's days.

    Even if my song did have a specific message in it,I wouldn't have anything to say to them besides that-I really don't believe that it would matter,whatever it would be.

  18. Great question. I would say:

    Please read The Power of Now or A New Earth by Echart Tolle!  

  19. you guys' responses are awesomely funny!! :D

    anyway, i would try to convince everyone that Jesus is Lord. in 5 minutes. :\

  20. ...hello, my name is *RED* and enjoy all that LIFE the moment, good bye...

  21. Stop those superfluous hatred.

  22. stop killing each other! everyone just be nice to everyone! and stop polluting the environment. stop eating meat. and if you live in america, vote for obama.

  23. " was Barzini all along...."

  24. "Made you look!"

  25. GOD IS LOVE - WE are made in his image what does that mean ? he is love ,peace,,, joy , Then what happen to us .??

  26. I hope you have a lovely life.  

    Then I would show them a 4 minute clip of the horrors of the horror.  

  27. The seed of evil is planted when individuals turn their backs on reason.

    Rational people will not long disagree on any subject as they will seek to find neutral ground.

    I beg of you brothers and sisters.

    Do not turn your back on reason, instead cast your absolute knowledge aside as the fallacy that it is, for no human can know a thing beyond all doubt and it is more likely that we will discover and learn more by considering that we do not know things for certain.

  28. I would say..."Reality Television is destroying and corrupting the minds of our youth!"

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