
If you could have three surf companies sponsor you, who would you choose?

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If You could have three companies sponsor you for surfing, no matter who bad you are, who would you sign with?




  1. main sponsors would be billabong or rusty, i love their clothes, and they can give me all the money they like ;). then i would have oakley or von-zipper for my sunnies, ummm. and some good boards from almerric, or JS's or DHDs. ahh id have anything!

  2. i am allready sponcerd by two companys, billabong and tpatterson makes my boards

  3. Billabong, Quiksilver, Volcom.

    theyre one of the biggest and most succesful surf companies out there . And u could get famous if they all sponsored u. u have to be a really good surfer.

  4. roxy billabong and REEF!!!

  5. Billabong, Roxy, Rusty, and Quicksilver These are some of the most known sponsors that I know of so I would totally sign on with this guys!!

  6. Rusty Rusty Rusty....Love them!!!

    Jax Surfboards cause my nickname is Jax and that would just be cool Jax sponsored by Jax

    O'Neill one of the best.....I could pick a few more....Reef, Lost and Roxy

    Have a good one!

  7. RUSTY, channel island, quicksilver. heck id take volcom and billabong too.haha

  8. Volcom, Rusty, and maybe Lost.

    I like the smaller companies.

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