
If you could have three wishes what would they be?

by  |  earlier

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Mine would be:

1. Optional Sleep

2. Ability to fix anything

3. Super fast reading skills




  1. money



  2. unlimited wishes


    more pie

  3. 1. endless supply of money

    2. a kitten

    3. more wishes

  4. 1. Time control

    2. The ability to transport anywhere i wanted to

    3. To be able to write with my mind

  5. Super intelligence

    To be able to see into the future

    And to be able to eat what ever I wanted without gaining a pound.

  6. flying

    mind reading

    and sleeping choices

  7. 1. An end to famine

    2.World peace

    3 And to win miss world


    1. Get rid of homophobia

    2. Love others what ever their nationality or colour

    3. To stop telling lies.

  8. invincibility (i could do anything my country needs me to do)

    eternal happiness

    never ending s*x

  9. 1. More Wishes

    2. World Peace

    3. A Machine That I Could Apply Over My Head, And Just Whatever I'm Wishing For At The Time, Comes True. (just in case wish #1 isn't doable.)

  10. 1. For miley cyrus to go away

    2. For money

    3. For world peace

  11. 1. money

    2. Knowledge

    3. 3 more wish

  12. 1. good looks

    2. success in whatever I do

    3. money

  13. for joke:

    1.a used car

    2.a used car

    3.a used car

    you know why?

    in order to sell them and buy a new good one!!!

    but in real:

    2.getting a good mark in IELTS exam

    3.being happy

  14. 1. bring my mother back..she died 2 years ago at only 64 yrs old very suddenly and 5 days later, i had my 2nd child.  2. invisibilty 3. endless money

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