
If you could help anyone right now, who would you help and why?

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How would you help them, and how would this enable them to be better people, live more sustainabley, carry on your knowlege or legacy, have a permanentley better quality of life etc. (why don't you go and help this person in the next few days/weeks?)




  1. I Could not choose who to help,

    Everyone has needs and wants.

    The Biggest part of my Life involves helping those in need, Addicts and alcoholics more so.

    Purely because I have been where they are or are heading now.

    This is my objective in Life and my Work!

  2. good morning sister

    great question

    we can help others by many ways,we should help others because real living is living for others.

    1 help by our knowledge

    if a person is going on a wrong path,we can bring him to right path through right advice.

    if a person dont know something and want help we can teach him about that topic ,if a student come to me,i always help him in the best way i can help,if someone ask me for the advice i always give advice to other person,to make him come on right path and he should make wrong choices in his life.

    2 help through bravery and power.

    i am brave and i always raise my voice against injsutice ,when someone do wrong to a poor man,i always help the poor man,and save the innocent by my power.if kick the asses of cruel humans

    few months ago 4 car person were beating an old driver,i jump in between them call poice and save that old driver.

    3 financial help

    we should always help poor,needy and helpless in our life,we should not make them beggar by giving them money but we should give them opportunity and work

    when i go for my philosophy class i gave my half break fast to leprosy.

    4 emotional help

    if some one is in great tenision and is emotionally hurted we can also help them emotionally and can became patner in there misery,he should solve there problems  ,

    5 last but not least help to animals

    we should always help animals sister,i love animals,i give milk to stray dogs daily in the morning on sunday

    we should help others but should also take care of ourself,if should not help others by hurting ourself,we should love ourself also

    "love yourself as much as anybody you can love in the entire universe"


    god bless you sister and give you strenght power and beauty

    all the best for your fine ars studies

  3. Of course I long as, he/she is worthy of it..

    we should always thnk that our life is very short..

    time can never be regained.

    if we always keep this in our mind, we will be able to accomplish different tasks that, we may not know, would lead us directly to our success...or our goal in our lives...

    one good example is, answering and participating in a forum like this...

    we help other people by answering their questions...that overwhelm these people....we may not know these people very well, but through answering simple questions, would truly help the people in need...

    ;)) hope it helps..

  4. If a person had the ability, one should try to help enable that person as much as possible.

    Some  are willing to accept help, others are not so willing. So, you do what you can and then go on with life.

  5. teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry

  6. Help anyone who approaches me for help.It can be for any right cause and knowledge of spiritual nature to realise the Self.

  7. Well, I want to help the less unfortunate Filipino children because here in the Philippines there are still lots of children doesn't know how to read and write so now, I did educate these children about history, literature, mathematics and many others and fortunately, these children learned new things aside from reading and writing and I am so grateful because they are now enlightened for they already know the importance and value of education in their lives in just a few weeks that I had with them.I am so very honored that I educate this very wonderful and intelligent children of God.  

  8. I would like to share the Good News of God's Salvation with the person that hates me the most.

    Because God reached out to me when I least deserved or even desired Him.

    There is no greater gift than eternal Life, even if it brings more suffering and persecution to a person here and now.

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