
If you could help one person right now, who would it be?

by Guest62039  |  earlier

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Personally i would love to bring madeline home to her parents, when she returns a party should be thrown.

If you could help one person now, who would it be?




  1. read Khalil Gibran's work called Satan, very thought provoking.

  2. id help our boys in iraq come home safely

  3. I'd help the person that needs the help. Someone I don't know and the world doesn't know but they need the most help of all as no one knows they need it.

    If you are asking about a specific person, that is a tough one. Does it have to be something possible? Because it would be great to help my friends recently quadriplegic father. It's a shame such an active man had to lose his ability to be active.

    So, those are the people I think would need help...

    So, hope I helped as it would be good to help as many people as I can.

  4. any1 who is about to die from a tortures death....hungar, thirst, ect =D

  5. Myself.

    I worry to much about others to think about myself and now I'm in an emotional wreck and having to choose between me or others in life.

  6. This young colleague who always puts on a brave face despite his insurmountable problems. He needs a break or two in life, I think...  

  7. whoever need help, I don't have anyone in mind at this moment because noone I know need help right now except me

  8. My brother. He's helped me out a lot in the past and now when he needs help I can't afford to help him as much as I should. Not fun.

  9. I would like to help my sister.  I wished that I had the resources to help her.  The only thing that I can do for her is pray that all will be resolved shortly.

  10. My sister, I'd buy her a new home.

  11. Myself, to move my ___away from this computer!

  12. i would help any child in the children's hospital because they just wanna have fun and they can't do that because they have a problem! it's really sad!

  13. I'd love to her my best friend and her brother. They mom just died.

  14. My friends mum i would give her a winning lottery ticket

  15. Myself.

  16. boy...he seems to be in another realm and when we talk to him

    he only rolls his eyes and walks away...

    ...he always wants the center of attention...if some one else is talking

    he gets up and leaves...

    ...i would want to help my boy...luv that guy, guess i shouldn't favor him


    ...thanks for asking...thinking of solutions...

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