
If you could increase your IQ by 40 points by having an ugly scar on your face, would you do so?

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If you could increase your IQ by 40 points by having an ugly scar on your face, would you do so?




  1. yes

  2. how long is the scar and where on your face?if it was short and near my ear or something i would! if it was straight across my forehead and long i wouldnt!

  3. Depends how big or noticsable it would be but probably yes coz i would hide it with foundation!! :D

  4. I have a fairly high IQ as it is and so I really don't feel the need to up it with or without a scar. I however could use more sleep so that I would remember things again. What were we talking about. Oh yea scars.

  5. Will l get 70 IQ points if the scar was enough to see my bone?

  6. Sure. I'm not very good looking anyway, so no loss for me!

  7. no because first of all, i have a high enough IQ, second, my face is pretty and doesn't want a scar on it, third, i've heard that  nobody can relate well to someone whose IQ is either 20 points higher or lower than theirs.... so i wouldn't want to be that much smarter than my boyfriend lol

  8. Personally, I wouldn't want an IQ that high, my IQ is just fine as it is for a 19 year old no =]

  9. SURE.  OF COURSE.  WHY NOT?   the more to figure with.

  10. In many ways, having an extra 40 points on your IQ is the equivalent of having an ugly scar on your face; most girls are repulsed by it, but a select few get turned on by it.  Unfortunately, the ones who like scars are not the same ones who like a high IQ, so, I would say that's pretty much shooting yourself in the foot.

    Oh and for females, I don't know any guy who gets turned on by scars, and most guys are intimidated by girls with high IQ's, so it'd be pretty much the same for you.

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