
If you could jump into a pool filled with anything, what would it be filled with?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking nacho cheese...




  1. $100 bills. I'd jump into the deep end, baby!

  2. Money :-)

  3. chicken nuggets.

  4. Magic wishing fairies, granting you wishes and eternal happines.

  5. jello

  6. v****a's.

  7. nothing!!!

    nah jk nacho cheese

  8. Hmmm nacho cheese is a good one...I think I would go jello/jelly because i saw this episode of myth busters that said it was thick enough to walk I could run around on it lol

    Man i m so wierd, xx good question

  9. horney, naked women. lol

    well its a dream, right????

  10. friends, and family.

  11. What about a pool full of puppies and small children? It would be the best way to completely ruin the lives of children ever! Think of how many little kids can fit in a pool. I would either shoot, or snap the spines of the puppies and make the kids feel responsible. Imagine that vision being etched and burned into the memories of those kids!

  12. Success, truth, and knowledge.  

    What I can jump into ephemeral and intangable conceptualizations can't I?  



    Something very downy and soft, I'm tired and need some sleep.

  13. women :D

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