
If you could kill one person, no punishemend, who would it be, why?

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If you could kill one person, no punishemend, who would it be, why?




  1. And this question is going to be removed in 3... 2... 1...

  2. The person who comes to mind after careful consideration is...............................NOBODY.

    There is nobody I would like to kill.

  3. Does it have to be a real person? How about Barney?

  4. The guy who started the 2012 hoax.

    Because he is responsible for annoying me an average of 50 times per day.

  5. Miley Cyrus, just to watch all those little brat fans squirm.

  6. I honestly don't know anyone I would want to see killed.

    Even serial killers were once sweet little babies loved by someone.

    If you'd hate someone so much, why would you want to let them take the 'easy' way out?

  7. i don't want to kill another person!! its sick unless its self defense.. i second the motion this question should be gone...

  8. no one, first of all there's no one I would want to kill and no reason why I would do so. Secondly I couldn't do it. I would actually give my life for theirs. Even with no punishment the punishment would be guilt and betraying myself. Even if I felt no guilt I could not do it and would not.

  9. Actually this come from a Anime and Manga called DeathNote.

    So ill say that People who say that no one should die are saying the Politically correct answer so they will avoid persecution. But you should be speaking your opinion because the Internet make  people Unknown. So ill speak up and Ill say that i would kill Hitler when he was a child because that would stop WW2. And to all of you that say u cant kill for the sake of others and couldn't think of killing a dictator your scared... >= |

  10. that dumb, fake, ugly, annoying blond chick who lives next door to malcom in malcom in the middle, and anyone who is like her.

  11. that i have not murdered anyone is not due to the fact i am worried about the punishment. it's because i shouldn't. and because of that there is nobody even i would wish to kill. though sometimes when i'm pissed i can sometimes wish it in like a theoretical hypothetical sense. but once the emotion is gone i can't have an answer to that question.

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