
If you could know one historical figure very intimately, who would that be?

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If you could know one historical figure very intimately, who would that be?




  1. Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India 1899-1905

  2. Oliver Cromwell.

  3. Robert E. Lee

  4. Abraham Lincoln.

    Having spent a great deal of time studying his life, on some levels I already know him quite well.

  5. Mary Todd Lincoln.

  6. Carolina of Brunswick, Queen of Great Britain, George IV 's wife.

    Her life was like Lady D's

  7. King Charlemagne.

  8. I think all the choices were excellent ones but I have to agree with Rafael, it would be George Washington.

    I would particularly like to be there when he resigned his commission as well, and I'd like to have been there when he got the news that Greene had been successful in the South, and when he learned that Arnold had gone over to the British.  I'd also liked to have been there that day in December 1799, and stolen the doctor's lancet and thrown another blanket on the General. I think it would have been nice to have the General and his lady sitting in the gallery when Congress was first gavelled to order for the opening session in the new Capitol in 1801.

    And PS. a love of liberty and honor need no translation, friend.

  9. I´m the brazilian teacher of history, beacause that, sorry my poor english.

    George Washington, because this man was the only i saw that reject the power for your democracy ideals.

    Hope i help you

    Thats it

  10. OOh that's a good question. John Lennon - to ask him where he got the inspiration for his songs. Or Abraham Lincoln because his birthday is the same date as mine. Have a star I'm being nice :-D

  11. Hi Dave,

    Out of all the many historical figures there is only one for me and that is,  Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton KCMG FRGS (March 19, 1821 – October 20 1890).

    Dave he  was one of the most famous explorers in Africa and Asia. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian, and African languages. Burton's Life story is filled with adventure. In 1853 he  disguised himself  as a Muslim to make the  dangerous pilgrimages to Mecca. In 1854 he went to Harar in Ethiopia where capture meant death.  He is also famous for translating The Arabian Nights in English and the Kama Sutra. It was Burton who discovered the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile. He was a prolific author and wrote numerous books and scholarly articles about subjects including travel, fencing and ethnography.Burton was the first Europeans to visit Somalia land.

    Dave, what a Man??? To spend one day in the company of this Great Man is a dream of mine. I love the man.

    Good luck my friend,


  12. Helen of Troy

  13. I would want to know Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi practiced non-violence protests and reformation and truth in all situations, and advocated that others do the same. What a world we would have if everyone acted in this way ...... = )

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