
If you could live ANYWHERE...where would it be and why??

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If you could live ANYWHERE...where would it be and why??




  1. i'd live in either jamaica or alaska or michigan

    the reason i'd  live in jamaica is cause it's really peaceful there and beautiful there

    the reason i'd live in alaska is cause it's really cold there (obviously) and i love the cold

    the reason i'd live in michigan is cause it gets cold there and cause anthony kiedis was born in grand rapids michigan and i am in love with that man!!

  2. You know, there are a lot of really wonderful places in this world, and I have been lucky enough to see a lot of them, so please forgive my answer.

    Where I want to be is wherever my husband is. Home, to me, is where I hang my heart. If that meant the year-round American base in Antarctica, then that's where I'd want to be, and if it meant the Sinai peninsula, which is kind of hot and miserable in many ways, then that's where I'd want to be. I can handle extreme weather. I found out recently I cannot handle being away from him.

    With that said, I am in love with Amsterdam right now, so I'd say a canal house in the city proper. I really love the way the canals look, despite the fact that it does get really cold there. I like the canal houses, which are narrow, but tall, and generally allow you to either look out the front and see the colorful life on the streets, or into the back and see a back yard. I also like the fact that the city is filled with history. Go around a corner and you find a monument dedicated to someone. One of the first churches built to suit the pared down style of the architecture of The Restoration is right there in the center of town. There are amazing museums all over the place. The train system is great, and you can get around not only The Netherlands, but Europe, from a train station. Schipol airport is a true "international" airport, and you can get flights all over the world from it, so it's not like you're stuck in the city. The city is vibrant, with people visiting from all over the world, and people from all over the world who have relocated and become Amsterdamers. A walk down the street allows you to hear Dutch, Spanish, English, Arabic, French, German, etc...

    Catch me in a few months, and my ideal place may be someplace else, but it will always be with my husband, because he makes anyplace home.

  3. Bohol island, i just love the beaches and the nature, exotic!

  4. Right where my butt is sitting at this very moment.

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