
If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

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(also, would you miss england if you moved?)




  1. I would live in corfu Greece as it is like England was forty years  ago when people stuck together and you dint need much to live on and the Greek people are so friendly and helpful and the way of life is so lay ed back not just of the weather its just such a down to earth place to live. i would not miss England at all as to me it is not England any more it is a dumping ground for all the people that other country's don't want and the government don't seem look after there own like the elderly and the very sick & disabled it is sad as england was a great place to live but with no law  andorder& other things its a shame that british people dont stick together and demorstrate there feelings so sad

  2. La Jolla, California - great climate.

  3. Canada for the clean air, mountains, log cabins, camping and fishing. Would I miss England? No, definately not!

  4. there's more to the uk than england

  5. I would like to live in Adeleide.  It is not unlike England except the summers are much warmer.  Yes, I would miss England.

  6. I would miss England but would like to live in Chile. Good mountains for Snowboarding.

  7. yes,i am going to miss england.and where to live,im honest, its did say if i could live anywhere , i am going to live in heaven because its so nice and anything is posibble

  8. In 'Taylor' just north of Austin/Texas. According to research made 1998 by 'The US family institute', its the place in the USA were more parents than any ware else use spanking when bringing there children up... and surprise, surprise: They have one of the lowest crime rates among teenagers in the whole of the US. Now don't say being strict doesn't work!

  9. If I could live anywhere I would have to say Australia.

    Kudos to the person wanting to move to Canada! May I suggest the western half of Canada. If you're looking for an adventure, move to the Yukon! That's where you'll find the log cabins and untouched country to roam freely upon!

    No, I wouldn't miss the UK cause I live in Canada. I'm sure I'd miss Canada if I moved to another country.

  10. somewhere warm and sunny (got early arthriritis). I dont think I'd miss England, I dont form attachments to places, I;ve moved around the UK quie a bit

  11. If I could live anywhere it'd be Scotland where I'm from, I'm currently living in France and I loathe it!

  12. It was Thailand -but that would be how it used to be donkey's years ago,it's absolutely destroyed now everywhere.I'd go to Asia somewhere undestroyed by Westerners,anywhere I can lead a simplistic life in a grass or wooden hut close to nature.You may ask then why not do it,thought alot about it but you still need a way of making money and to get around visas and....


  13. Sydney - stunning, clean place with friendly people, good weather and opportunities. Would miss people in Uk but I don't think I would miss the country.

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